Posts Tagged“PUG”

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think we’re all trying to get more versatility out of our wardrobe – to figure out new ways to mix and match what we have and make it look new again. This isn’t always the easiest task when you’re as into bright colors, bold prints, and novelty handbags as I am – it’s kind of obvious when you wear those things several times. But enter the latest range of handbags from Vendula London…

Good Morning, Professor

Good Morning, Professor - The Dressed Aesthetic

This morning marks my first lecture as a fully-fledged University professor. As you read this (chances are, as you are enjoying your morning coffee), I’m up in front of 94 undergrads trying to convince them that neuroscience is awesome and exciting (which they shouldn’t need to be convinced of, becauseĀ neuroscience is, in fact, awesome and exciting. But, you know, youth). I’ve handed out the syllabus and am explaining just what they’re in for this semester. And, if I must say, I am wearing some pretty fabulous shoes while doing so…

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

So Long, Farewell - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, that day that we’ve been prepping for and planning for is finally upon us. I don’t think there’s any way to really describe the enormity of moving across the world. The stress and chaos. The plans you make to visit all of your favorite beaches that hold your favoriteĀ memories (that never seems to happen). The way you try to savor each moment with the people you’re leaving behind (that somehow is over far too quickly). All the while trying to figure out which parts of your life to weed out – what to pack, what not to pack? What…

Queen of Hearts:
The Magic of Mixing Prints

Queen of Hearts - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m a huge fan of mixing prints and rather enjoy trying to push the boundaries of fashionably acceptable on a daily basis. A lot of ladies ask about the basics of combining two seemingly disparate prints, which can beĀ intimidating if you don’t do it often. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to mixing prints, but I have the best success with a few basic guidelines.

Hello Sailor!

Hello Sailor! - The Dressed Aesthetic

2016 is here! We had an amazing night out at Amani Bar & KitchenĀ on NYE, ringing in the New Year with cocktails, gangstas and a LOT of feathers flying everywhere (it was a Prohibition party. You could barely see through the feather boas).Ā Now, we’re well into the New Year and I’m still well into my vacation! I’ve been indulging in a LOT of relaxing, some vintage hunting, catching up on a massive sewing and repair pile, and getting blog posts organized for the new year. If only every day were like vacation, I would seriously be the most productive person…

On the Borderline

On the Borderline - The Dressed Aesthetic

We’re entering into such a unique time of the year, where relaxation starts to rein triumphant. Since the start of December, I can feel everyone’s resistance slowly wearing, as work gives up her fight to the temptations of a relaxingĀ Christmas holiday. There are more holiday parties, emptier hallways as the weeks wear on, and a general fading of the frenzied cloud of productivity that usually hangs over our building. I have to admit, I’m sitting right on the borderline – I have a few key things to check off my list before I officially start my holidays, but the tantalizing…

Smart, Sassy & Stylish:
Pin Up Persuasion

Smart, Sassy and Stylish: Pinup Persuasion - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back in October,Ā I addedĀ a feature to The Dressed Aesthetic where I introduce you to smart and stylish woman I find inspiring andĀ put some welcome, positive messagesĀ across our retinas (you can read about my last SSS Lady here). I think it’s important in this day and age, where all I seem to see are ladies in competition with each other, to instead lift one another up and celebrate the awesomeness that comes into our orbit.

Smart, Sassy and Stylish:
Meet Miss Amy May

Smart, Sassy, & Stylish: Meet Miss Amy May

It has come to my attention that there’s a lot of negativity on the internet (shocker I know). Scrolling through my Instagram feed, I see a lot of comments about people combatting body shaming and unwelcome criticism, lack of self-confidence, and all around negative energy. And it’s not all that surprising, considering images are paraded in front of our eyes about the women we’re supposed to be, the bodyĀ we’re supposed to have, the items we’re supposed to buy in order to achieveĀ some unrealistic ideal. And when all of these images are clouding our vision, it’s hard to see through it…

The Happy Train

I think we are constantly learning new things about ourselves. One my most recent work trip, I became acutely aware of yet another quirkyĀ Kara-ism.Ā My very favorite (and perhaps odd) thing to do upon arriving at a conference is to check into my hotel and then completely check out. I put up the Do Not Disturb sign, order room service and spend the evening completely alone. Although other friends are filtering into the city and starting to gather the masses, instead I watch terrible tv and turn down all offers to head out to dinner or drinks. I lock myself away…

Who’s Chasing Who?

As many of you are probably aware, we’ve just completed Shark Week back in the States. Now, amongst the scientific community, Shark Week tends to be a bit controversial, a bit sensationalized, and a bit of a stretch from what we shark biologists actually find ourselves doing on a daily basis. Though everyone assumes Shark Week is Christmas Morning meets Mardi Gras meets an 80% off shoe sale at Nordstrom for me, it truly isn’t so…