Posts Tagged“roses”

Rejoining the World

Rejoining the World - The Dressed Aesthetic

We are creatures of habit. I am definitely one who likes to have a rhythm and a routine, with a clear order to the way my world is structured. And even if the order is less than ideal (aka, months and months of isolation due to a pandemic), I will always find away to work within a certain set of parameters. But, I admit I’m less adept at the shift change…

Are You A Fairytale?

Are You a Fairy Tale? - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back in a time long long ago, in a world far far away where we could go outside and stand next to people, I remember dashing through the supermarket one afternoon. I think I was grabbing a few things on my way back to the lab, without thinking too much about who was around me other than beelining for the essentials and getting back to work.

{Sewing} Petal Pusher

{Sewing} Petal Pusher - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve always had a bit off a weakness for rose prints: especially rose border prints. So, awhile back, when Gertie had a collaboration with Michael Miller and released her “boudoir fabric” – a double border in black Pink rose and feather design – I didn’t even hesitate and scooped up both colorways. The first, was a luscious red and pink version I whipped up into a dirndl skirt. And this black and pink, which I knew would one day be destined for the perfect dress.

Roses are Red,
Boundaries are Blue

Roses are Red. Boundaries are Blue - The Dressed Aesthetic

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been binging on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ever since the new season aired. And while swooning over the costumes and reveling in the glitz and the glam, I particularly appreciate how sassy Midge always has the perfect comeback. She has an uncanny knack for getting on stage and going off the cuff. Always ready with the appropriate one liner to zing the hecklers. Now, I’m sure having a screen writer doesn’t hurt, but there are way too many moments in life where I think of the perfect thing to say far too…

Annual Review

Annual Review - The Dressed Aesthetic

Last week everyone in my Department received the email that we all dread: our upcoming Annual Review is nearly upon us. This simply marks a time of year where we have to meet with our Chair and discuss areas where we’re hitting our milestones and areas where we need improvement. This also means we have to flex our typing fingers and start putting our Annual Report document together – basically listing out your academic accomplishments for the year across predetermined categories, distilled down to 6 pages of text. No more, no less.