Posts Tagged“shoes”

{Review} Cherry Picked by Maison Murasaki

Cherry Picked by Maison Murasaki - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the reasons why I love vintage so much is because I feel like, in many ways, it finds me. Although I am always on the hunt, finding the perfect dress in the perfect moment never feels like an accident. Rather, it always seems fated that we would meet. Like I was somehow cherry picked from the crowd to be her temporary guardian, before she gently passes to the next chapter of her story.

Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds - The Dressed Aesthetic

Have you ever noticed that a certain degree of frenzied madness is almost always followed by what I will affectionately call The Blob Phase. I’m sure you know what I mean… Where you push yourself to the limit, shocked at what you are able to accomplish, only to subsequently devolve into a pile of goo. On such occasions, I find myself with my head in the clouds more often than not, where even the thought of writing an email feels like too much.

{Sewing} Grapes of Wrath

{Sewing} Grapes of Wrath - The Dressed Aesthetic

During quarantine, I think it’s safe to say a lot of us have taken to our creature comforts. My weakness has always been wine – I love coming home from a long day to a beautiful glass of cab sauv, kicking off my heels and sharing my day with my Mister. Now that we’re home all day, there are no shoes to kick off and Mr. D already knows the happs because…well…he was there. But, there is still that perfect glass of wine….

Rejoining the World

Rejoining the World - The Dressed Aesthetic

We are creatures of habit. I am definitely one who likes to have a rhythm and a routine, with a clear order to the way my world is structured. And even if the order is less than ideal (aka, months and months of isolation due to a pandemic), I will always find away to work within a certain set of parameters. But, I admit I’m less adept at the shift change…

The Princess AND the Scientist

The Princess AND the Scientist - The Dressed Aesthetic

A colleague and friend shared a meme the other day that popped up in my social media feed. It was an adorable little girl, hair scraped back into a ponytail, flexing her yet-to-be-developed muscles and wearing a t-shirt that said, “I’m not a Princess, I’m a Scientist!” At first glance, I loved the message. We teach little girls that their only job is to be sweet and cute. With the push towards encouraging more young girls in STEM, this this seemed like a small step that might get us there. But the more I chewed it over, it started to…


Muses - The Dressed Aesthetic

We all pull inspiration from a variety of sources and for a variety of reasons – either an outfit that you spied while walking down the street who’s vibe you want to emulate, to a perfect pristine flower bursting from the rosebush, to someone’s approach towards life – we all have our muses. The things you can point to that inspired a new part of yourself to come into being.

Are You A Fairytale?

Are You a Fairy Tale? - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back in a time long long ago, in a world far far away where we could go outside and stand next to people, I remember dashing through the supermarket one afternoon. I think I was grabbing a few things on my way back to the lab, without thinking too much about who was around me other than beelining for the essentials and getting back to work.

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day - The Dressed Aesthetic

This past weekend, Mr. Dressedapp and I celebrated Valentine’s Day. While this holiday usually involves us getting dressed to the nines and hitting the town, we obviously had to modify our tradition and had a chill night in with fondue and champagne (no one here is complaining!). In other news related to Woman Plans, Universe Laughs, I had also hoped to unveil my latest Valentine’s Day themed circle skirt this week in honor of the Big Event…but we’ve been rained out for weeks which doesn’t show signs of stopping.

{Sewing} Checkmate

{Sewing} Checkmate - The Dressed Aesthetic

Remember back in college when you would hear a band come on the radio, and in true wannabe-hipster fashion you would toss your hair and say haughtily, “Yeah…I was totally into them before they ever became mainstream…” Like there was some sort of badge of honor in appreciating a band before social proof? Well, I swear you guys…I totally started this skirt before The Queens Gambit was ever a thing!

Biker Chic

Biker Chic - The Dressed Aesthetic

I remember watching Grease as a kid. I was always a huge fan of musicals (what can I say? People bursting into song really does it for me) and the poodle skirts had me at hello. As your quintessential “girl next door,” you might imagine I would dream of one day snagging the role of Sandy. But, I never liked the way she changed herself for a guy. Even at 15, I had the wherewithal to know that spandex and a boyfriend didn’t happiness make…