Posts Tagged“shopping”

Lust List #18

Lust List #18 - The Dressed Aesthetic

Murphy’s Law always states that when you can least afford to shop, all you’ll find are things you wish you could buy. And when you have a bit of extra cash and want to splurge on yourself, you can’t find a single thing that strikes your fancy. I generally fall into the former category. All. The. Time.

Lust List #17

Lust List #17 - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve spent the last month and a half skipping around the States (and racking up a fair number of air miles – woot!). Despite loving my time in each city, the hardest part of travel is always the amount of time spent languishing in airports. I’ve definitely noticed over the past few years, however, that free wifi is all the rage. Thus, enter my favorite pastime: Online shopping.

Lust List #16

Lust List #16 - The Dressed Aesthetic

What is it about this time of year? In either hemisphere, the world just seems brimming with possibilities. It’s just barely the start of summer in the North, just barely the start of winter in the South, and the air is crisp and clean and I can feel my closet quiver in excitement at the new season ahead.

Lust List #15

Lust List #15 - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ahhh it’s so nice when life returns to it’s normal level of crazy! It’s incredible how disruptions in the regularly scheduled program can make things feel all out of whack. But (for the time being) I’m actually in this time zone, healthy, and experiencing a workload that only makes my head spin the standard amount, as opposed to helping me audition as an extra in The Exorcist…

Bindaring Red Cross
Clothing Sale

Bindaring Red Cross Clothing Sale - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few months ago I was contacted by the organizers of the Bindaring Red Cross Clothing Sale to see if I wanted to be involved and help them promote this wonderful event (taking place on 14th May at the Claremont Showground). If you’ve never heard of the Bindaring Clothing Sale before (I was admittedly a neophyte as well), this is a charitable event, selling new and vintage clothing and accessories, and all funds raised go to support local Red Cross services. Vintage and charity? I didn’t even hesitate.

Shopping Small on Etsy

{Giveaway} : Shopping Small on Etsy - The Dressed Aesthetic

As a self-proclaimed vintage huntress who prefers to wear clothes older than herself, I’m a huge fan of “shopping small” (it kinds of comes with the vintage territory). So, it’s no surprise I’m a frequent visitor of Etsy, which is a veritable treasure trove of vintage and handmade goodies that I would like to find their way into my home and into my closet. Like pronto.

Mini Lust List #14

Life has been absolutely crazy lately. Well, crazier than normal. With all of the travel and work and life responsibilities, I’ve barely had time to eat or sleep, let alone relish in my favorite activity of prowling the web for my favorite would-be wardrobe items. What can I say, except a gal gets busy!