Posts Tagged“Stinky Vintage”

True Love

True Love - The Dressed Aesthetic

This past week was a pretty big one in the Dressed household – Mr. D and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary. This level of togetherness usually involves a fair degree of extra (especially because the Mister and I are no strangers to going ALL out). However, circumstances being what they are, we had to scale the celebrations down several (thousand) notches. But, perhaps that’s the measure of true love – when you’re just as happy with a quiet night in as you are with fireworks and fanfare. 

Seasons of Love

Seasons of Love - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve been thinking a lot about love recently, as I slipped this stunning one-of-a-kind dress from Stinky Vintage over my head. Mr. Dressed and I just celebrated our 9 year anniversary and it can’t help but bring up all kinds of loved-up thoughts as we ring in another year of awesome. But, it also has the habit of making me reflect on the past seasons of love that I’ve weathered – because love is nothing if not a journey. Sometimes sunny, sometimes cold and rainy, but always an adventure…