Because it was so popular last month, I’ve decided to continue sharing my current Lust List (you can see last month’s list here). Whether I’m standing in line to get my coffee, unwinding at the end of the day, or trying to coax my eyelids open in the morning, there are always beautiful things to peruse. I suppose that’s the wonderment (and the curse, according to my Visa card) that is the internet…
These past few weeks life has been so crazy I find myself craving a bit of escapism more than usual. My Lust List this month certainly reflects an ethereal, dreamy quality with a dash of whimsy. Regardless of whether I can afford it, fit into it, or conceivably fit it in a UPS box to have it shipped allll the way to Australia, creating a folder of lovely things somehow reminds me that there is always beauty amidst the chaos.
So, without further adieu, here’s the latest roundup of my current obsessions…
For the Home
I just learned that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope, which might be the most charming thing I’ve heard all day. I’d love for this kaleidoscope to flutter across my wall… and truthfully, the dragons and dragonflies are pretty amazing too…
Umm I have no idea why I am obsessed with these Air Plants, but they look as though they belong in a Dali painting or something… Eerily stunning.
It’s definitely outside my budget, but the beauty of this vintage lucite art piece knows no bounds.
I’m not sure I could ever be stressed if this tapestry were hanging on my wall…

For the Closet
If I could remove a rib or two, mark my words, this dress would be mine!
I am such a sucker for matching vintage sets…and if that matching set comes with a capelet?? Yes please!
I just about die over floral chiffon…This dress has everything and then some! I’d feel like an garden faerie in this beauty.

And while we’re on the subject, point me to my glass slippers and this dress and I will be all kinds of content…

Because who doesn’t need the perfect mint green tulle skirt? It would look amazing with a white sequin top and some pop red accessories…
Like a winter garden at twilight, this dress speaks of the perfect secret rendezvous…
I’d style this bag with this dress and proceed to have a cherrylicious day… Ice cream anyone?

For Some Arm Candy
I’m always on the lookout for vintage compacts, and this one stole my heart immediately… There’s something so regal about it and I love the basket shape.
Ohhh I want this bag. I want this bag. I want this bag. Did I mention I want THIS BAG??

I’m always such a fan of the intricacies of vintage jewelry…this beautiful bracelet has so many twists and turns I have a feeling I would always be discovering new details…
And Just Because
As far as I’m concerned, life is too short for ugly underwear. These (and pretty much anything else by Egretta Garzetta) would be like wearing a beautiful little secret…
Does it get any cuter than these collar brooches??? I just love them to bits.
The combination of retro and modern in this necklace is stunning…
Ohhh the lovely and ladylike adventures I could have in this hat…
And lastly, because every princess needs her tiara… ring.
Despite the chaos, I have definitely managed to find some time to spoil myself this month. I took advantage of a few gift cards from my birthday and found some pieces I simply couldn’t resist (stay tuned!) I suppose that’s the risk you take when your downtime involves perusing shops you love because of their curation skills… But, as I was told recently by a very wise friend, it’s all just investing in our happiness.
What’s been striking your fancy lately?