Sometimes, beauty arrives in the spaces between things. Like the energy right before you kiss someone. The perfect moment when you’re reunited with family you haven’t seen in awhile. Or the intricate, fragile pattern of of a web. I once read,
Lace is formed from the absence of substance; it is imagined in the spaces between the threads. Lace is a thing like hope. It lived, it survived, and it was desired for what it was not…
– Iris Anthony, The Ruins of Lace –

This has been a month of change – a lot of those changes were good. Some of those changes, unfortunately, were more difficult and remind you that, no matter what your position, you can’t take anything for granted. Thankfully, things for the moment have calmed down. But, like beauty, strength often comes from the absence of things. The absence of certainty. The absence of clarity. And in those crazy moments of instability and doubt, it almost feels as if the universe is carefully percolating. And any minute now something amazing is just waiting burst forth from the chaos.
To me, the beauty of this vintage dress lies in the cutouts; in the absence of fabric that seems to somehow create substance. I don’t tend to play favorites with my dresses, but this one has easily made the top ten list, simply for the parts where she is not, which is why she is everything.
Outfit Details:
Dress: When Decades Collide (similar here, here or here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Headband: Forever New
Bag: MoMo’s Vintage (similar)
Shoes: Jimmy Choo via ebay (similar here or here)