Tickling the Ivories

Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are certain garments and certain accessories that were simply meant to be together – although I can embrace a good push/pull in my styling (tough meets sweet, classic meets edgy, leather meets florals), I must admit that I’m a gal who loves her themes. My hands itch to pair gingham and strawberries or a floral print with a floral brooch with floral shoes…yeah, you get the idea. So, when I saw this vintage 1950’s piano-themed skirt pop up at Xtabay Vintage, I knew that I had its mate in the form of the most perfect Mary Frances handbag.Ā I think Liberace himself would have been proud…

Fashion really is about self-expression – for me, it’s always been about having a bit of fun with your clothing. Adding that flair that makes it uniquely you. And nothing in my life is every complete without a bit of a wink. It’s quite possibly why my wardrobe is overflowing with novelty handbags, shoes masquerading as fruit, and statement necklaces.Ā Because I simply can’t resist the whimsy that makes my day that much brighter as I skip off to the lab…

Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic

Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit planned using Dressed for iPhone

Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic

I see my life in terms of music.
Albert Einstein

Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic Tickling the Ivories - The Dressed AestheticTickling the Ivories - The Dressed Aesthetic

I‘ve had a love of music as far back as I can remember – although I never managed to play an instrument (does chopsticks on the piano count??). But, I fell in love with musical theatre as a kid, drowning in broadway soundtracks on my boom box, from Cats to Les Miserables. I never outgrew it and can often be seen zipping along the motorway, belting out my favorite broadway tune. Music presents a bit of escapism for me – there have been times when I’ve given a colleague a ride to work or had a visitor staying with us who accompanied me on my morning drive, where I kept my vibrato to myself. And I saw just how much I love my unabashed, unapologetic singing every morning when it was missing from my routine….

It made me realize just how many things I do unapologetically these days.Ā I recently came back from a conference, where this skirt caused quite the stir. But unlike in previous years, where I felt out of place, my style is something that colleagues have come to associate with a part of who I am. They have come to expect my novelty skirts and vintage dresses, asking after my latest sewing creations in the same breath that they ask after my research. And I love them for it. A tiny, imperceptible shift no one would notice but me. Whether or not anyone realizes it, fewer raised eyebrows as I burst into a room, each skirt fuller than the last, means we areĀ changing the culture of how a scientist “should” look, one petticoat at a time.

Much like a good outfit, we need to change the way we believe things “should” go together. Mix and match with reckless abandon. Redefine what makes a good melody. Science and art. Vintage and Modern. Feminine and Researcher.

I do love a good theme….



Outfit Details:
Top: Unique Vintage
Skirt: Xtabay Vintage (similar handmade or vintage here, here, & here)
Necklace: Modcloth (similar)
Handbag: Mary Frances
Shoes: Seychelles (similar here & here)

Lip Color: Dior Rouge 634


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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.Ā