I’ve got (more than) a little bit of a thing for novelty prints – particularly photorealistic prints or forced perspective. I’ve only recently discovered this term, but it perfectly describes the things that I’m drawn to: Trompe l’oeil is a visual illusion art technique, where images are painted or drawn to resemble 3D objects. Like a painting that looks as if the walkway continues through it. Or a deck of cards painted on a table to look as if they’re really there. It’s one of those prints you need to look thrice at, because you just can’t tell if it’s a print or the real thing….
Trompe l’oeil literally translates to “deceives the eye,” (yay! vocab party!) because the goal is to do it so well that you can’t tell whether it’s drawing or real. As a technique, trompe l’oeil became particularly popular in the Renaissance period, and there are a number of very famous paintings with a subject crawling out of the frame or a ceiling that seems to go on forever. It’s even trickled through modern culture – we’ve probably all gotten the email with those amazing chalk sidewalk drawings or watched in amusement as Wile E Coyote himself tries to (over)use the ruse of a picture depicting miles of road to trick his road runner nemesis (dude never learned).
I think as humans we’re fascinated by the ideal of illusion. The things that have hidden meanings, or are done so well they bely their true identity. Because in the crazy fast-paced world we’re finding ourselves in, with everything around us clamoring for attention, we’re probably aching for a little bit of magic hidden amongst the clutter.

When I discovered this most amazing novelty-print dress at UK Charm Vintage, I almost did a double take. I’ve seen similar prints before – there are a few out there designed to look like ribbons and ruffles, but I’d never quite managed to get my hands on one. And when she arrived, I loved the cascading ruffle effect on her skirts all the more – cause we know that I’m a girl who loves a full skirt, both real and imagined.
Sometimes I wish there were more things in life that encouraged a longer look. That we didn’t take at face value. That we all could stop, take a breath, and notice things more instead of rushing off towards the next box to tick. I’ve noticed lately that I’ve become a bit consumed with my To Do List – focused on the task at hand and the things I need to get done today so that I can survived tomorrow. This is a particularly crazy month, as we’re barreling towards the end of the semester. But I loved that I had this dress to remind me that there’s a whole lot of beauty that I can miss if I simply focus on the end goal and don’t stop to take a second look at things along the way that may not be quite what they seem…
To second looks….
Outfit Details:
Dress: UK Charm Vintage (similar handmade and vintage here, here, & here)
Bolero: Unique Vintage, sold out (similar)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Handbag: Victorianna Charmers (similar here & here)
Crinolines: Hand Made Petticoats
Heels: Farylrobin (similar here & here)
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