One of the great things about NC that I’ve noticed is that there is green everywhere. I don’t know why I worried that moving back to the US would be like moving back to a bit more of an urban jungle. But there is lush foliage everywhere. The grass may have given up her fight, but I’m never short of a shrub or tree to remind me that not everything crumples under the weight of Jack Frost.
As an evolutionary biologist, I’ve always been amazed at the hardiness of plants. How they seem to be able to adapt and thrive in even the harshest circumstances. In dry climates, tough little succulents smirk at the lack of rain as if to say, “Bring it On.” Pine trees laugh in the face of cold, trees in grasslands have very thick bark to resist fires, some plants in the tundra have dish-like flowers that chase the sun to collect as much warmth as they can, and then some plants only bloom once a year, as if to remind us of just how fleeting beauty can be.

By some miracle, this week Mr. D and I have actually managed to tick off all of our Christmas To Do’s. Gifts are all wrapped and entrusted to the US postal service to send them merrily into the arms of their intended. This weekend we’re off to get our (much belated) Christmas tree – I’m very excited to bring a bit of green into the house. Our only offering this year has been a lighted wreath on our door, but I think it’s high time to welcome in some Christmas cheer.
Word on the street is that our shipping container full of all of our wordly possessions (vintage! shoes!) is supposed to arrive at port sometime this week. This will not mean it’s made its way to our front door, but I’ll heave a big sigh of relief knowing we’re in the same time zone. I am seriously green with envy of everyone who has a sofa right now. Seriously. A place to sit is all I want for Christmas this year…
Oh who am I kidding? I want all the vintage too!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Bracelet: Vintage (similar)
Ring: Olive + Piper
Bag: Free Gift (similar)
Shoes: Modcloth
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