Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Tea For Two

Tea For Two - The Dressed Aesthetic (Retrospec'd Vivian dress)

Good news everyone – I survived my first day of school! Truth be told, it was a pretty easy first day. As my classes don’t start until Monday, it was very similar to every other day before: namely, write lectures frantically. The main difference being that this time, I actually had to get dressed before noon. Am I the only one who relishes being able to work in her pajamas??

First Day Jitters

First Day Jitters - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well that day is nearly here: The First Day of School. Of course, this time I’ll be behind the lecturn instead of sitting in the auditorium waiting to learn. I officially start my new Professorship tomorrow, and then have to impart wisdom on 94 eager (?) and willing (?) students a week later. I have to admit I’m shaking in my red sparkly boots a bit. I’ve been spending so long preparing for this moment – orchestrating the move, getting my lab samples safely to NC, building a home and frantically trying to write lectures in the hopes of being somewhat mentally prepared…

Bop Till you Drop: Reviewing Lindy Bop with Modern Millie!

Bop Till you Drop: Reviewing Lindy Bop with Modern Millie!

Although my heart sings over true vintage – the heart stopping details, the gossamer thin fabrics, the attention to detail – I’m a gal who embraces her vintage-inspired frocks with fervor. For a lot of reasons – particularly the modern sizing, mashine-washability, and the fact that I don’t have to be quite so precious with them. But to be very honest, more often than not, it’s when a print is just too freakin’ cute that mere mortals such as myself cannot resist.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, that day is finally upon us – Happy Christmas and Merry Hanukkah everyone! I know that this day can mean different things to different people. For me, this is time when I take a deep breath. Where I try to let go of any anger or potential drama and look ahead. Where Mr. Dressed and I take some time for ourselves, tear into presents with glee, and stuff ourselves silly to an endless loop of holiday music.

{Review} The Grace Dress by Hearts and Found

{Review} The Grace Dress by Hearts and Found - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few months ago I discovered the amazing shop Hearts and Found – and introduced you all to the cutest ever play skirt set I had ever laid eyes on. If you’ve never heard of Hearts & Found before, they’re a swoon worthy Etsy shop who make beautiful vintage inspired clothing – and all of them can be made to your exact measurements! Even better, they have a mission to support local businesses and tailors and source all of their fabrics from local Vietnam markets. I was so smitten with my last experience I knew it was only a matter of time before I…

The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic

Did everyone feel that crazy tremor that went across the entire United States the other day, feeling as though it originated on the east coast of North Carolina? That, my friends, was the entire country sinking a bit as our shipping container docked! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, all of my vintage has made it safely across the sea!


Wintergreen - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the great things about NC that I’ve noticed is that there is green everywhere. I don’t know why I worried that moving back to the US would be like moving back to a bit more of an urban jungle. But there is lush foliage everywhere. The grass may have given up her fight, but I’m never short of a shrub or tree to remind me that not everything crumples under the weight of Jack Frost.


Checkmate - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m loving that I can actually see my styling tendencies shift towards more autumnal and winter colors. Let it be known, however, that I will fight the wintery chill until the last breath is in my body, wearing my dresses until my legs freeze and my teeth start to chatter like a cartoon mouse. But, the colors of gold and orange, deep greens and purples, those I embrace with no trouble. Hello, winter. How lovely to see you again.

Rock My Vintage

Rock My Vintage - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although I love a day when I can get fancy – lacquering my nails and cinching myself into heavenly chiffon – there are other days when a gal needs a dress that’s going to get the job done. Today I’m finding myself racing around, running errands, which includes a meeting on campus. Thus, I need my outfit to serve double duty today – to be comfortable and practical, but also professional and put together.