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The Liebster Award

Liebster Award - The Dressed Aesthetic

As somewhat of a blogging newbie, I hadn’t heard about the Liebster Awards until very recently, when the lovely Lindsey of Have Clothes, Will Travel nominated me! It was pretty flattering – and rather circular, given that Lindsey is a huge part of the reason I started blogging in the first place. At the start of this year, she asked me to be her Featured Fashionista for February – in answering her interview questions, I really verbalized my style philosophy in a way I hadn’t before. Long story short, it crystallized the idea that had been brewing forever – to start a…

Garden of Hearts

More and more, I find myself reaching for cardigans and boleros, sweaters and swing coats, as autumn starts to slowly give up her fight. I can’t deny it any longer: Winter has arrived in Australia. Now, to be fair, winter in Perth is not like winter in Boston (where I grew up) – no snow to contend with or icy wings whipping across the streets. Mostly there is rain. And gloom. So, I really can’t be blamed for wanting to inject a bit of color into the grey streets…

Normal Day

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of a Normal Day. How I usually pay little attention to life’s unremarkable moments and live through them impatiently, always on the lookout for those punctuated with excitement. Fidgeting and drumming my fingers until something happens to make the day noteworthy. But, I’ve come to realize that, although many of us despair the normal day due to a need for constant entertainment, beauty exists in their simplicity, only to become apparent once that normalcy shifts. Where we want nothing more than that time before the earthquake, where we were so blissfully unaware of the…

A Bit Tied Up

There are certain items in every woman’s closet that simply bring out the va va VOOM. Regardless of the events of the day, some dresses will fall out of my wardrobe and onto my person and there’s never an ounce of doubt that it’ll fit fabulously. Their secret (and a feature I keep my eyes peeled for in vintage shops): The Corset Ties. And I’m not talking about the lingerie variety…

The Ties That Bind

So, my mom has become quite the vintage huntress of late. She’s one of my biggest blogging cheerleaders and has been out and about, finding treasures that I might like to include in posts (I do nothing to dissuade her, as you’ve probably guessed). So, you can imagine my excitement when an Easter parcel appeared on our doorstep a few weeks back and it was packed full of vintage goodies! Some she had found in her travels, some were her own that I remember admiring as a child, and some stunning pieces belonged to my beloved grandmother, who we lost early…