As most of you guys know by now, as a little girl I had dreams of one day becoming a marine biologist. I know this is a common career goal for many-a-five year old, to later make way for other paths. But, I was one of those little girls for whom the dream stuck. From little girl to PhD Candidate to a fully fledged professor running my own lab. And to this day, I still can’t believe I get paid to do what I love…
This love for the sea also manifests in an inability to resist any kind of aquatic-themed clothing. If marine biology is my life and fashion is my playground, then it’s safe to say a huge proportion of my closet can be found underwater. From fishbowl handbags to scallop shell necklaces, Davy Jones himself couldn’t keep us asunder.
as you can imagine, I have seen (and acquired) many an aquatic themed print in my day. But, I swear my heart just about stopped when this coral print skirt popped up over at Jumblelaya. I loved it all – from the ombre colors, to the jellyfish lazily swimming about the skirt, to the gorgonian coral climbing up her hem. Yeah. Safe to say my ship was sunk…

I am the shore and the ocean,
awaiting myself on both sides.
Dejan Stojanovic, The Shape
Second week into our semester, and I can already feel myself running around a bit like a headless chicken fish (look it up. It’s a type of deep sea cucumber). Racing between teaching and meetings and research doesn’t leave time for a whole lot else. But, I found myself pausing in the chaos to think about that little girl this morning. Zipping through my morning routine, snapping and fastening on auto pilot. But, stopping for a second to smile at that stubborn, willful kid I used to be – reading every book about sharks she can get her hands on. Not feeling as if she really fit in anywhere. But knowing she never felt more at home than when she was by the sea.
I realized the only other time I felt such a certainty was the day I wore my first vintage dress. It was as though I recognized myself for the first time. The fit of a dress that somehow perfectly hugged my body without requiring it to change. The stories in a garment’s past and the art hidden in her folds. And without question, I fit. Maybe that’s why aquatic vintage prints have such a draw for me – they remind me of the two places that I fit. Where the two things I love can merge and make sense, without apology.
And almost as if coming out of dream sequence in some weird movie, I was suddenly back to being my grown up self. Slicking on lipstick and grabbing my lecture notes and a quick kiss from the Mister before running out the door. Back to lists and schedules, with less time for dreaming and only time to DO. But, maybe I should carve time out to revisit 5-year-old me more often. 16-year old me finding her first vintage dress in a thrift store. Just take a few hours here and there to remember the magic that can come from the first time you fit.
So….does anyone have an extra hour or two in the day?
Yeah, I know. Go fish….
Outfit Details:
Top: Unique Vintage
Skirt: Jumblelaya (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Swarovski (similar)
Handbag: Mary Frances, thrifted
Shoes: gift, Chelsea Crew
Lip Color: Dior Rouge 634
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.