Ice Queen

Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic

This past weekend I boarded multiple planes for the first time since The Big Move. I sort of forgot what it was like to travel in a manner that only took a day and under 36 hours of flying. When I mentioned to my colleagues that I was Canada-Bound, the primary response I got was, “Wow – that’s far.”ย I’d smile and nod, but in my head I’d be thinking, “ohhhh honey, you don’t know from far.” With my Australia yardstick firmly intact, anything that doesn’t include a 17-hour leg is considered a short trip in my book…

Although I can hardly believe there’s a reprieve from the madness of my teaching this semester, I am now back home and firmly ensconced in our Spring Break. While my students, plane tickets in hand, merrily jetted off to exotic destinations in Europe and the Caribbean, I naturally had to plan a trip to sunny, tropical…Vancouver! (insert extreme irony here). There were definitely no piรฑa coladas or beachside sunsets during my stay,ย but I did get to see my very first PhD student defend his thesis and officially cross the threshold from student to Dr.

Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit planned using Dressed for iPhone

Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed AestheticIce Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic

While I was there, I also woke up to a bit of a Winter Wonderland. While I slept, the world had become blanketed in a carpet of white sparkles. Since it’s actually been years since I’ve seen snow, I was as excited as a kid in a candy store. And instead of the grey, slushy miserable snow, I was enveloped in the soft, fat, fluffy variety. That coats your eyelashes andย tingles your toes and makes you start to hear sleigh belles, despite being on the wrongย side of Christmas.

So, my mind firmly on a world of white and iridescent blue, I was completely inspired to bust forth some of my bestย wintery looks. We didn’t have much of a true winter in North Carolina – most daysย have me wondering if I ever really left the Southern Hemisphere. But, this amazing icy-hued Alfred Shaheen dress from Jess James + Co (a new local favorite) was just asking for a bit of chill in the air and 12 layers of froth and wool and sparkle.

Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic Ice Queen - The Dressed AestheticIce Queen - The Dressed AestheticIce Queen - The Dressed Aesthetic

Speaking of inspiring wintery fashion, this ridiculously beautiful cape showed up on my doorstep this past Christmas. But, there was no note and no explanation as to where it came from. Thinking the Vintage Gods were finally just sending me things direct, I delighted in my good fortune and started the mystery quest of figuring out who my gift-giver was.

It a bit of a reverse-Christmas miracle, it turns out the cape was not meant for me at all. One of my best friends had ordered it for herself and it was sent to me accidentally. But, I was allowed to hold it hostage just long enough for a photo shoot before sending her rightfully home. ย It makes me wonder if we shouldn’t have some sort of vintage foster care, where we can delight in an item long enough to help her find where she was meant to be all along.

And now, I’m on a mission to find my own reversible vintage wool cape. I need to be ready for the next unexpected snowstorm, after all. Challenge accepted….



Outfit Details:
Dress: Jess James + Coย Vintageย (similarย modernย or vintageย here,ย hereย &ย here)
Cape: on loan, from Bomby X Vintage (similar here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Gloves: Modern Millie Vintage (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Tights:ย Modcloth, no longer available (similar here &ย here)
Handbag: Bettina Darling (near identical bagย here)
Shoes:ย Betsey Johnson

Lip Color:ย Schiap


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The Dressed Aesthetic
