I am not a gal who can resist a novelty print. Especially one you can’t quite see what it is until you get up close. It’s imbued with a sort of magic – as if it has a hidden secret you can only whisper in close proximity. I’ve seen this amazing clover dress with those magical, sporadic ladybugs a few times now in my vintage adventures. And yet, it was never quite right. She was either way too small or I was way too slow. And because I’m a believer in vintage karma, I knew I just had to wait my turn.
Sure enough, there she popped up on the Sea of Vintage Instagram feed. And like a true, patient, karma-chameleon, I absolutely did NOT plaintively message the owner (who sweetly obliged with photos and details) or stalk the Sea of Vintage Etsy shop like a sniper. No way, not this girl, who is the utter picture of vintage grace and patience (she says with tongue planted firmly in cheek).
Well, whether it was patience or determination, my karma-meets-sheer-will attitude paid off, because the minute she hit the shop I scooped her up and did a little happy dance as those four leaf clovers and ladybirds sailed all the way home to me where they belong. I am such a lucky bug…

Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
This was my first purchase from Sea of Vintage – although I’ve followed them for years, the stars never quite aligned for my first purchase. And I’m sort of glad I waited. Because this crazy cyber universe of ours always seems to drop us in the lap of amazing people right at the right time. Though the flurry of back and forth DM’s with the shop owner, I learned that she is just as lovely as her vintage is priceless. I just love the internet – it always brings me to the most amazing people.
Speaking of bringing me to people – these shoes seem to bring me to the smallest of them. Without fail, every time I wear these jeweled ladybug heels I find that I have a child clamped to my lower extremities. I’ve sported these shoes on numerous occasions – restaurants, dinner parties, random strolls. And children flock to them (and more often then not try to prise them off my shoe. Eh hem). Whether it’s the sparkle or the flare or simply the fact that vintage and all of her accoutrements carries with herself a bit of magic, I will just consider myself lucky to be their guardian for the time being.
We should all be so lucky so as to be entrusted with magic…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Sea of VintageĀ (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt:Ā Alannah HillĀ (similar)
Handbag: Bettina Darling (similar here)
Shoes: DSW (similar here & here)
Lip Color:Ā Retrofuturist
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