Well folks, the very best month of the year has arrived. It is of course the very best month because it houses my birthday (!!) I’m almost shocked to find it’s come round the mountain again – I swear I blinked and the first two months of this year have gone by. But, I can’t say I’m sorry – I love my birthday!
So, naturally this inspired a birthday-themed Lust List. Despite the fact that my wardrobe is bursting at the seams, there always seems to be a bit more room for gifts (much like eating dessert with friends, where the calories all leak out…I firmly believe that, when it comes to questioning whether new things should be added to your burgeoning wardrobe, gifts don’t count).
Because the Mr. makes me swear to avoid shopping the closer we get to my birthday, I’ve been very good and haven’t made (m)any purchases of late. But, surely that doesn’t apply to window shopping…..
For the Birthday Girl To Wear
This is everything I love in a vintage dress. Everything.

I’m so loving the Janie Bryant for Unique Vintage designs – this cute halter dress grabbed my attention immediately.

I love a good border print – this beautiful floral dirndl skirt would be so perfect for Spring.

Novelty prints just get me – this silhouette print dress is STUNNING!

As a marine biologist, I love anything under the sea related. But a Gorgonian Coral Skirt??? Be still my heart and race you to the checkout!

Is there anything more perfect than a vintage pink gingham dress? Clearly my mind is on sunny birthday picnics….

The print on this 1950’s blue paisley dress is just stunning.

I love clothing that makes a statement – this amazing red feather jacket says, “Hello world! Here I am! And I’m not sorry….”

I am BURSTING for spring to get here. I’m ready for stripes and pastels and fun colors – this 1950’s skirt is everything and then some.
Cause Every Princess Needs Her Glass Slipper
Just hand me an Uber-modern shoe and point me to the ballroom….

These navy polka dot heels are as cute as can be!

B.A.I.T always kills me with their footwear, and these sunny yellow brogues are no exception.

To Carry Her Gifts In
Ohhh I love me a novelty bag! And what better for the birthday girl than a perfume purse?!?

To Decorate My Birthday Cake
I love all things fruit-inspired – this amazing necklace looks like fruit in an ice storm, and I DIG IT.

I have two of these belts from Love Like Style – they’re such an easy way to add a pop of femininity to an outfit. I love this soft periwinkle blue belt!

I’m so into brooches – especially ones like this that are the perfect mix of soft and unique.

While I have birthday wishes and gumdrop dreams in my mind’s eye, unfortunately there are very few daydreams that can happen at the moment. It’s a hard push to get to the end of the week (and a week off!), and I’m trying desperately to keep my spirits up and my head above water. I can tell the students are all itching for Friday to get here quickly too (though most of them have plane tickets to exotic locations). Me? I have a plane ticket to a great big Spring Break NAP. And I’m not sad about it.
Hopefully the break next week will inspire some new blog posts – I have some amazing collaborations coming up in the next few weeks that I’m really excited to share. Stay tuned – and may Friday arrive quickly for us all!
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