It’s that time of year again, when all of the turkey leftovers have dwindled and Christmas is in full swing! Although most stores here in NC have had Christmas decorations up before Halloween, the holiday spirit doesn’t kick in for me until after Thanksgiving. Mr. Dressed and I spent last Friday in our pajamas, chomping on leftovers and starting to get cracking on our Christmas shopping!
One of the hardest parts of Black Friday shopping is resisting adding things to my cart for myself. There are just too many beautiful things zooming in front of my retinas that it nearly whips me into a frenzy. And although I have been known to cave for a particularly spectacular piece, for the most part my cart has been filled with gifts for other people (I definitely made use of the Etsy Gift Guides!). Simultaneously, as I was making a list and checking it twice, I noticed that my wishlist grew to astronomical proportions.
Although my Lust Lists have fallen by the wayside a bit this year, I know many a gift-giver in my family has been patiently tapping their fingers waiting to see what’s made it’s way to my Christmas list.
So, with a bit of sparkly Christmas snow thrown into the air, here’s a list of things I’m hoping Santa puts under the tree this year….
To Deck the Halls
Can you think of a better gift for me? No. These wine glasses have literally won the internet.

Yellow is my happy color… I can’t imagine ever being sad when wearing this necklace.

All I want for Christmas is a kaleidoscope of color…

I love unique jewelry – and this necklace takes the honey cake…

We’re always looking for unique pieces to make our home sing. Love this pressed flower frame.

Because no morning of mine starts without a good cup of joe.

This piece is too perfect for winter styling – It’s as if someone took a vintage necklace and it froze.

I’m in love with this bowl – it looks as if it’s captured a sunset.

Sparkles and sea life together in a necklace? Nuff said.

Simple yet elegant…

I tend to abuse my keyboard, which is looking a bit worse for wear. The perfect solution? Cover it with this stunning keyboard cover (which may need to be paired with this laptop skin!)

For a White Christmas
I’ve coveted this dress for so long…

If you have to layer it up in winter, let the layers be cute!

Ahhhh I love me a good border print…

Fruit print and a drop waist? Sign me up!

Who says florals are just meant to be worn in spring? Sign me up for this beauty year round…

This seaside print calls to me…

This shirtdress has magical embroidery…

A blue, cropped Moto jacket with hearts at the elbows?? There may never be a more perfect creation in all the world…

Graphic border prints are my JAM…

I’ve coveted one of these Wheels and Dollbaby cardigans for years…

To Trim the Tree
There’s something about a clear lucite bag that hints at adventures within…

A gal needs good shoes. So I say, let them be pink and velvet!

Clearly I’m in a honeybee mood. I’ve been on the hunt for a good vintage beehive bag forever.

I’m dreaming of a high heeled Christmas…

I have a white lace parasol. I feel I need her darker, moodier sister….

There’s something magical about the perfect Midas of Miami bag.

Mustard is a neutral, right?

Ahhh I’ve always wanted an umbrella purse!

It’s been a pretty crazy week around here. After binging on turkey and tackling a decent amount of Christmas shopping this weekend, we also managed to finish the fall semester with a bit of flare (ie, I managed to finish without tripping on my heels and falling in a flurry of crinoline). I have to give my final exam next week, and then I will have earned a BIG sigh of relief. Also a nap.
In the meantime, I shall be dreaming of Santa packing his sleigh with beautiful vintage and each of these beauties appearing under my Christmas tree…
What’s on your wishlist this year?
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