One of the hardest parts about living overseas was definitely being so far from family. Missing the big moments and the little moments. Knowing that a hug would take 36 hours of exhausting travel time. Now that we’re home, the hardest part about not living overseas are the friends we had to leave behind. The world can feel very big when there are so many people scattered to the far ends of it to miss.
Thankfully, today is a day where the world gets to feel mercifully smaller, because one of my very best friends is flying in from Australia tonight! While she is flocking my way, I thought it most appropriate to bust out an amazing 1950’s flocked skirt from Off Broadway Vintage. As hard as it can be to feel separated from people who just seem to get you, there is nothing like reuniting and realizing that, despite the oceans and time zones that separate you, it is as if not a single moment has gone by.

Whenever I’ve boarded a plane on a long journey or picked up a friend from the airport, I have to marvel at how far technology has come. How visiting a neighboring town used to involve horses and buggies and days of travel over rocky terrain. Now, we don’t even think twice before clicking on Expedia, checking email from our phone, or starting a quick FaceTime. At this very moment, enormous machines of steel and fuel are carrying people around the world, by land, sea, and air. Connecting continents and timezones and long-distance friends. And just like magic, the earth shrinks, so that the far can become near.
So, today is a day that is going to disappear in a flurry of errands and getting the house ready for her arrival. We have a lot planned for her visit, but truthfully I’m looking forward to the quiet moments the most. Sitting on the porch sipping wine. Catching up on everything and nothing.
After all, aren’t old friends the best?
Outfit Details:
Bodysuit: ASOS (similar)
Skirt: Off Broadway Vintage (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: gift, Swarovski (similar)
Handbag: gift, Betsey Johnson (similar here & here)
Shoes: Betsey Johnson (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Nars Powermatte lip pigment
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