Not going to lie – I have spent much of the past week in my pajamas. Not the same ones, mind (cause that would be gross), but I’ve definitely indulged in some hardcore lounging. But today, I’m shaking off the cobwebs and heading out into the fray today to do as we vintage huntresses do – hunt!
And I figured, what better way to do that than in a new (to me) vintage dress from a new (to me) Etsy shop Minxouri Vintage! Being the strong-willed gal that I am (har har), I totally avoided all of the Black Friday sales calling my name. Well… Okay, so the intention was there, but there were a few things that caught my eye and wouldn’t let go and they both happened to make their way into this outfit. Given the incredible deals flying everywhere, I should be angry with myself if I DIDN’T pounce on one or two, right? Right? And come on, those BOWS….

Okay, can we talk about this handbag for a minute? I make no secret of the fact that I am in love with novelty handbags. I could devote a series of Haiku to the joy that they bring me. And if you saw this Lust List, you also know I have a deep love for anything fruit-adorned. Enter this insane 1950’s novelty bag from One Sweet Thread – with adorable hand-stiched peach tree, resplendent in velvet leaves and the cutest wagon carrying still more ripe fruit, resting beside a felt lemon tree. Even better still is the inside that only I can see, which is lined in gold-lamé and looks the way I imagine the inside of the briefcase from Pulp Fiction should look.
Needless to say, I scooped her up and ran away maniacally with her in my arms (metaphorically, of course, as I really clicked the mouse a few times and then waited oh-so-patiently for the postman). And when she arrived, she was even better than I imagined and totally worth me breaking my Black Friday shopping ban for.
Go big or go home, right?
I realize that I have definitely grown into a “go big or go home” attitude towards my clothing (and I’m not just talking about the number of crinolines I tend to layer under my skirts). I used to dress with a lot more restraint, concerned with garnering too much attention. I would pass by things in shop windows because I worried it looked a bit too out there or like I was ‘trying to hard.’ But, I came to a remarkable realization quite a few years ago: Is making an effort (and having people know that you’ve made one) really the worst thing in the world? I would much rather try too hard than not try at all. And as I’ve said before, your happiness a worthy investment. Stepping out with a big banner floating above you that reads, “I put myself first today!” kind of tells the world you are worthy of respect and a force to be reckoned with.
So, serious effort made this morning and bag in hand, I’m skipping off on my adventures. I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed being somewhat of a pajama-fied sloth the last week, but I’m really looking forward to getting out into the sun. On my hunt, I plan to hit up a few local favorites – Oh Henry Vintage, Beleza Vintage, Look Feel Be, and Mo-Mo’s – grab some sushi for lunch and just see where the day takes me…
What are you putting an effort into today?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Minxouri Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar here & here)
Handbag: One Sweet Thread (similar here, here & here)
Shoes: BCBG Girl, via DSW (similar here, here & here)
Lip color: Nars Cinematic lipstick in Short Circuit
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