And just like that, we’re back to our regularly scheduled program of teaching and writing lectures and teaching again. Spring Break was a great opportunity to play a bit of catch up, but as usual, it went by way to quickly and Monday was upon me before I could even put on the brakes. But, I survived my first week back and somehow even survived the brief snowstorm we had that left all of us North Carolinians feeling as if we had just entered the Twilight Zone….
I spent a lot of the break working – though it’s called Spring Break, for us lowly academics, the only break really comes from not having to teach on top of the normal madness. But, by some miracle, I actually managed to catch up a bit on lecture-writing, AND also finished unpacking the majority of my closet (oh my shoes! How I missed your calceological beauty), spent time with some wonderful friends, and ventured outside of my comfort zone by buying a few non-dresses for my closet (what? shorts? Who am I?)

Because it’s St. Patrick’s Day, and I’m an Irish Lass, I just can’t resist bringing a little bit of green into the day. This was always one of my favorite holidays – in addition to being 2 days after my birthday (which is clearly the best day of the year), the whole city of Boston would come alive on St. Patrick’s Day. Corned beef and cabbage, green beer, and lots of revelrous singing would flood the streets. I know the Irish are known for being bad tempered (with that flaming red hair and all), but I can honestly say I’ve never known such a jovial bunch.
Our brief bout of snow and cold here in North Carolina is slowly giving way to Spring. The flowers are starting to bloom around campus and my closet is giving that familiar shiver of excitement, knowing what’s in store. Sundresses and florals and sandals – oh my!
Have a lovely weekend. Erin go Bragh!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Garb Oh Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Brooch: Luxulite
Belt: Anthropologie (similar)
Handbag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: ReMix, thrifted from Beleza Vintage (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Dior
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