There’s always that moment in the dead of winter where you start to see forward to Spring. Yet, there’s no actual benchmark for it. No physical moment you can point to. Slippers are very much a part of the daily routine, you still wake up to frost lining the windows, and coffee is as much a warming device as it is a caffeination mechanism. And yet it happens every year. You can feel the stirrings of a new season making its way up through frozen ground, pushing her arms upward, whispering that Spring will be here soon.
Coinciding with that invisible pull towards the next season, my wardrobe fantasies inevitably shift away from tights and swing coats to sundresses and floral prints. Enter this perfect handmade skirt by a newly discovered shop: Wearable Art By Jenny Dame. Like a crocus pushing up through the stark white of winter, I slipped this skirt on and could feel my spirit start to thaw and stretch towards Spring.

I first learned of Jenny Dame through (where else) Instagram. I was a fan well before she ever started her business, as she was always posting the most stunning of hand-made circle skirts. As someone who always is in extra-awe of those with artistic talents I do not possess, I was enamored with her hand-painted creations. I was even more enamored with the announcement in her bio that she would be opening a shop soon.
I followed her updates religiously, and couldn’t wait to pounce the minute this piece became available in her newly minted Etsy shop. Although I swooned over most of the options, the Painted Large Rose skirt was calling my name. It was the piece that first caught my eye when I started following Jenny, and I was thrilled I could finally make it mine. After contacting Jenny with my custom waist and length request, I sat like a wriggling puppy stalking the postman. And when it arrived, it has me swooning before I even took it out of the box.
Made from what feels like a stretch cotton, she closes at the side with a series of snaps and finishes with ties at the waist. And the painting. The painting. Done in shades of pink and fuchsia, offset with a stunning azure blue, Jenny painted and airbrushed two large roses to absolute perfection. Not only that, but there is glitter mixed into the paint to make it truly feel like a fairy tale. She can also customize to any color that steals your heart (though I have to say the pink and blue is just magic).
Jenny’s hand-painted skirts are in the $360-$380 range, although there are some printed pieces that require less hand work at lower price points. I have to say – these are absolutely worth saving for. The skirt is truly like wearing art – and I love knowing that it was hand-done, making it truly one of a kind.
Something else I really appreciate through this process was how communicative Jenny was – it’s not easy starting a business, especially one that requires so much customization. She kept me informed every step of the process, even when there would be minor delays. As someone who truly believes art is worth waiting for, I didn’t mind the time it took to create. But, I so appreciated being kept in the loop.
Jenny’s shop is taking a little bit of a break – from her IG it looks like she’s giving her design studio a boost and possibly catching up on some previous orders. But, you can message her for a custom commission, or sign up to be notified when she’s back up and running. Trust me when I say her pieces are absolutely worth waiting for.
In the meantime, you are welcome to visit her IG and start dreaming of Spring…
Outfit Details:
Top: Unique Vintage
Skirt: custom made by Jenny Dame
Brooch: Amazon
Handbag: gift, Alannah Hill (similar)
Shoes: Betsey Johnson (similar)
Lip Color: Schiap
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.