When I stumbled upon this dress, the title on her etsy listing read “Rumor Has It” and it stuck with me. Now whenever I wear her, I can’t ever seem to get Adele out of my head. But I actually rather enjoy it, because I’ve always found that life is much better with a soundtrack. Don’t you wish that life existed the way it does in the movies, where a trained professional always plays the perfect track at the perfect time? The happy music swells during joyful moments, a romantic tune kicks in right before the kiss, and I would pay attention whenever ominous music starts to play, because I would know something bad was on it’s way and could hightail it out of there.
We have this rather long hallway from my office to the lab, and there are definitely times when that hallway is my runway. Clicking my heels along in time, marching to the beat of my own drum. I think we have to find those little moments of joy throughout the day – the things that keep it from all being a bit mundane. Maybe it’s dashing outside for 10 minutes to take in the view, a quick shimmy on your way to grab your 10th coffee, or indulging in a few minutes of blissful daydreaming. Or maybe it’s tossing your head back as you march on into the lab, channeling your inner Tyra.

Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Andersen
Today’s soundtrack is definitely a bit on the mellow side. I am thankfully meeting-free and have blocked off the day to play a bit of catch up. Though not the most exciting of tasks, there is something so satisfying about an inbox that is slowly dwindling and a desk free of clutter – it almost doesn’t matter that it’ll be full of chaos again the next day. For today, I get to design my playlist as I see fit.
It funny how perfectly music can sum up a moment in time – if I hear a certain song it can take me right back to a certain summer or a certain trip or a certain emotion. As if we rely on music to articulate what we’re feeling at key moments in our life when we can’t seem to find the words. The first few opening bars of ‘Long December’ and I’m lying in my dorm room, torturing myself over a relationship that could never be. Whenever ’99 Luftbaloons’ comes on the airways, the windows are rolled down as I’m cruising around New Zealand with my very best friends, singing our hearts out and reveling in the sounds of endless summer. It’s like one big, cosmic playlist, introducing me to core memories I didn’t even realize were so important at the time.
My life soundtrack would definitely be an eclectic mix, whose awesome would never be realized by a production company. It would be a marriage of Bob Dylan and Cat Stevens, REM and Pearl Jam. Tom Waits meets Cloud Cult, blended with some Peter, Bjorn & John, old school Ani, The Strokes, The Shins, bookended with every Broadway musical ever written and finishing with a flourish of Beyonce for some booty shakin’ guilty pleasure. There are probably songs on there I didn’t even realize I associated with a certain period of time, as they played in the background during some pivotal moment and nestled stealthily into the recesses of my mind, to be played again someday and thwack me in surprise with the memory that reawakens…
What songs are in your life soundtrack?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Sweet Bee Finds (similar modern or vintage here, here, here & here)
Belt: Vintage, from another dress (similar here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar here, here & here)
Bracelet: Vintage (similar here & here)
Handbag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: PeepToe Australia (similar here, here & here)