I’ve never had much of a green thumb. Without ever meaning to, I am an enemy to all plant life, a horticultural assassin. Your ferns and rosebushes aren’t safe around me. I even killed a cactus in my pitiful gardening history (a feat I’m told you actually have to work at). And while basil plants wilt and grass shrivels in my presence, a flourishing wardrobe: Now, that I can cultivate…
My heart burst into full bloom the minute I spotted this sequin-speckled frock at Coutura Vintage. If one of those pieces where everything comes together just right: a full skirt, border print, and SPARKLE. Lena always manages to have the pieces that make my heart sing, and I this one was no exception. With everything happening at the moment, I thought the world could use some extra glitter today.

As I’m sure is true for most of us, the horrors happening in the Ukraine have left me feeling so helpless (though I highly encourage you to check out here, here, and here to read more about organizations to donate to if you have the means. Every little bit helps). But I’ve noticed that, while the simple act of scrolling my phone brings fear and sorrow, disappointment and empathy, it has not brought shock. The state of our world is what it is, because it’s been planted that way.
The truth is, gardens do not become overgrown and gnarled on their own. They get that way due to neglect. And intention. The world has not suddenly become this way. It is this way. It is sadly the product of prioritizing power and profit over people and planet. We are simply reaping what has been sowed. But, now is not the time for sadness and exhaustion to win. Dismantling these systems takes time and effort and resolve and collective solidarity. Weed whacking. Slashing through the brush with a machete. And demanding more. Planting something new.
I also have to admit that professionally, this has been a week of another kind of madness, as I had a huge grant due yesterday. Bigger than any proposal I’ve put together before, and done in the shortest timeframe I’ve ever managed. Grants are a necessary evil, as they fund our research but (more importantly) provide critical support for our students. It’s amazing – I spent the first 15 years of my career in a constant panic about where my own salary would come from. Now that I have tenure, I spend most of my time panicked over how to pay my students. Perhaps the true epitome of the circle of life…
As always happens, the last few days made me feel like I might simply evaporate into a puff of stress. No matter how organized you are, there are always last minute panics and things you forgot and people who need extra time that you don’t have. But, somehow, everything came together in the end and that magical button was pushed. Here’s hoping the seeds I planted starts to grow….
What seeds have you planted lately?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Coutura Vintage (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Brooch: Daisy Jean Designs, sold out (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Guess, sold out (similar)
Shoes: Kat Maconie (similar)
Lip Color: Dior Rouge 634
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.