I’m not sure where you guys live, but here in North Carolina, there is an autumnal inevitability: regardless of whether you are smack in the middle of October or November and have busted out all manner of light coats and tights, there is always a day where you step outside in all of your glorious layers to feel a bit like Dorothy when she comes out of the house after the tornado. Except instead of walking from a world of black and white into one of color, you emerge from a presupposed expectation of the autumnal chill into a veritable sweat storm.
Call it climate change, call it living in the South, call it Mother Nature slept in that morning: but I have definitely grown to expect an unexpected slice of summer right when you start drinking pumpkin spiced everything and thinking (not doing, mind you) about starting that Christmas list. But, rather than bemoan this bizarre twist of thermal fate, I have learned to embrace it. This morning, I took a sharp left away from the felt skirts, right back to the summer sundresses.

Inspired by my Fall-is-Reclaiming-Her-Summer youth, I decided to take this Jerry Gilden beauty from Mill Street Vintage out for a spin. I actually have her pink twin, and was thrilled to reunite her with her blue counterpart. The lovely Gina (Proprietress of Mill Street) actually had her IG shut down this week – which is a disaster for a small business that generates large portions of her revenue on IG. If you follow Gina, she has set up a temporary home at @shopmillstreetvintage – but we’re hoping she can get her original account back soon.
It’s been a fairly busy week – I spent a large portion of the week away, running sharks through the MRI scanner (no really, I’m serious). We don’t have a medical school at our University, so I have to make 2.5 hour trek inland to an MR Imaging Center at a sister university. When I go, I like to stay for a few days to really maximize my time on the instrument and get as much data as possible.
No matter how many times it happens, I always forget the rapid blinking that occurs when I venture out of my own bubble and into a new research group. And not only because I just wheeled a shark into their midst, but because of the way I’m dressed when I wheeled in said shark. I’ve learned that itĀ takes most people a good 3 visits before they are used to me. Usually by the third visit, you can see the wheels turning as they process that the wardrobe of the first 2 visits was not an accident. That those first two times wasn’t a situation where I was going somewhere afterwards or, you know, laundry day. By the third visit, they have started to latch on to the concept of my sartorial exuberance. I knew we had crossed a very important threshold when I came in on Monday, sharks in tow, full skirt blazing, and they didn’t bat an eyelash.
So here’s wishing you some sartorial exuberance and a random slice of summer, today and every day.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Mill Street Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Bracelet: Swarovski (similar)
Belt: Art Gallery Zen
Handbag: Kate Spade
Shoes: Katy Perry Collections
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.Ā