I think we all have a different recipe for what makes a dream sweet. Perhaps in your world, it’s Antonio Banderas fanning you with palm fronds while whispering sweet nothings, or swimming through towers of gold coins, Scrooge McDuck style (though that always looked rather painful to me…). But my sweetest dreams usually involve being out with my Mr. and my pup, happening upon the most perfect blooms, wearing the most perfect 1950’s border print dress…
This has definitely been a week of reflecting on what really makes me happy – both the big and the small things. I’ve had one of my very best friends visiting Perth with her new fiancé, and I forgot how amazing it is to have those people in my life who know every aspect of me. Who knew me in my geeky awkward phase (which I’m still in, but no longer apologize for). People who remember every ex-boyfriend, every subtle nuance of a situation, every memory because they lived it with you. People who simply understand your heart.

I will be the gladdest thing
Under the Sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
And not pick one.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
My week was full of four days of laughing so hard my sides hurt. Of creating new inside jokes. Of remembering the parts of myself that were tucked in the past, but got to resurface. Of eating too much good food and sipping too much good scotch and reclaiming some of the joy that can get lost in the day-to-day, just-get-by mentality. There really is nothing like old friends.
Given the events of late and the uncertainty regarding the future, we also had many many discussions about happiness in general. Taking the time to reflect on what really fulfills us. Avoiding making choices out of fear of the unknown or obligation. Allowing our dreams to change. Recognizing that we never stop growing, never stop changing, and that even frustrating circumstances can be an opportunity if you look at them with the right eyes. I feel rejuvenated after their visit and ready to tackle whatever the world throws at me.
So, I’m marching out today in one of my new very favorite dresses from Geronimo Vintage and keeping things in perspective. Maybe I didn’t get a particular grant or we’re facing a tough situation without a clear answer, but that could very well open a door down the road we haven’t even imagined yet. You just have to let go of control now and then and have the courage to walk through it.
What are your sweet dreams made of?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Geronimo Vintage (similar modern & vintage here, here, here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here, here & here)
Bracelet: Swarovski (similar here & here)
Handbag: Rina Rich (similar here, here & here)
Shoes: Jimmy Choo, thrifted via eBay (similar here, here & here)