Posts Tagged“Cheshire vintage”

Time Warp

Time Warp - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was a teenager, one of my favorite movies to watch with friends was Rocky Horror Picture Show – it was silly and weird and just on the right side of scandalous. Huge fans of musical theatre, my best friends and I knew all the words by heart and would unabashedly belt them out while zipping to the mall to wander around and buy literally nothing. Our favorite song was the Time Warp (no originality there. But we were 15…).

Shark Week

Shark Week - The Dressed Aesthetic

I know what you’re thinking. “But Kara! Shark Week was MONTHS ago.” Well, dear readers, it’s time I come clean: In my world of marine biology and shark neuroscience, every week is shark week. And in true shark week fashion, I could think of no better option than to finally burst forth in a vintage novelty print I have hunted for years, but only just managed to recently acquire…