Posts Tagged“miss hero Holliday”

{Sewing} Tiny Bubbles

{Sewing} Tiny Bubbles - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was little, one of the biggest treats was getting to visit my Mimere (our name for grandmother). She called it our “bonding time” and always made me feel so special. The pantry was always stocked with my favorite cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch – dubbed a “sugar cereal” and therefore forbidden in my house), let me watch Pretty Woman (though put a pillow over my face during the rude bits), and would stroke my hair until I fell asleep.

Annual Review

Annual Review - The Dressed Aesthetic

Last week everyone in my Department received the email that we all dread: our upcoming Annual Review is nearly upon us. This simply marks a time of year where we have to meet with our Chair and discuss areas where we’re hitting our milestones and areas where we need improvement. This also means we have to flex our typing fingers and start putting our Annual Report document together – basically listing out your academic accomplishments for the year across predetermined categories, distilled down to 6 pages of text. No more, no less.