Good news everyone – I survived my first day of school! Truth be told, it was a pretty easy first day. As my classes don’t start until Monday, it was very similar to every other day before: namely, write lectures frantically. The main difference being that this time, I actually had to get dressed before noon. Am I the only one who relishes being able to work in her pajamas??
On the plus side, getting dressed up puts me in a frame of mind to Get. It. Done. I brought in some equipment to my new lab (I’ll never get tired of saying that. My lab), set up my new office (which was sorely lacking in fluffy pens), and scoped out the quality of the local cafe. I managed to get my syllabi for both classes finalized and actually took a self-taught crash course in Blackboard, which is an online portal to communicate with my students. Not too bad for a first day…

I am so smitten with this Retrospec’d Vivian dress in Tea House print. Considering I’m still on a mission to find the most high-quality caffeine on campus, I thought it was a rather fitting look for my second day. At first, I thought I might ease my colleagues into my style. You know, start with dresses, work my way up to glitter. But, I realized that, much like relationships, there’s no use in hiding who you really are, for any reason. I now have many many lovely colleagues who all want to know where I buy my shoes. See, it pays to be yourself.
In totally unrelated (but still excellent) news – about halfway through my workday I received The Call: Our shipment has been released and is due to be delivered on Thursday! Ohhh you have never heard such a choir of happy vintage angels singing. A sofa! A table! Scads of shoes! These will all be ours and more! Although it throws a bit of a spanner in the works with regards to my carefully laid out work schedule this week, I’m happy to work a few hours later each night for the promise of a house full of our worldly goods.
I am nothing if not adaptable….
Outfit Details:
Dress: Retrospec’d
Necklace: Swarovski (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Bag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: B.A.I.T via Modern Millie (also available here)
Lip Color: Tarte in Pink Peony
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