Sometimes, certain articles of clothing speak to you. And no, I’m not talking about the voices-in-my-head, one-flew-over-the-cookoo’s-nest sort of speak to me. But in general, you know when you clap eyes on a dress, tilt your head and think it’s lovely versus when you see a dress and your heart does a little hop and falls truly, madly, instantly in love. Much like love at first sight, my gut simply knew this cute little mod number and I were destined to have some fun together.
I was thrilled for the chance to collaborate with Vintage World Rocks on this post. I have only a few 60’s mod minis in my wardrobe, but the minute I spied this cutie pie, with her crisp plaid print, perfectly piped collar, and shiny double breasted buttoned up bodice, I knew our futures were somehow intertwined. And when she arrived and I buttoned her up to find she fit perfectly, I was reminded once again to always go with my gut, even when it might be directing me away from the norm.

It’s a funny thing, this idea of instinct. All too often we ignore the voices in our head that urge us in a certain direction. And though it may take a few hours or days or even months and years, more often than not I’ve regretted the times when I didn’t listen to my instincts, favoring instant gratification or pride over what I knew to be true in my heart. I don’t think there are many of us that look back at the rubble of past relationships or bad decisions and don’t see a range of crossroads, where we simply told that little voice to shut it down because of what felt good in the moment. On the slip side, I also smile at choices I made – times when I took a crazy leap or accepted a far off dream – simply because my gut told me it was the right thing for me.
Although I can’t quite put my finger on it yet, I feel I may find myself at a similar crossroads in my near future. My gut is telling me that changes are afoot, although I’m not necessarily sure what those changes will be. Truthfully, in my career we sort of have to roll with the punches, follow the opportunities, and acknowledge that the future is not always certain. And there’s no way to guard ourselves against uncertainty, except perhaps to surrender to the knowledge that we can’t always be in control. My battle plan has always been to maintain a certain level of flexibility and faith in the universe that all will be as it should be. So long as I have one hand in Mr. Dressed Aesthetic’s and the other pulling firmly on a pretty massive garment rack of vintage dresses, shoes, and a cape or two, with our furry dudes trailing behind, I have a feeling we’ll be just fine.
Perhaps that’s why this dress from Vintage World Rocks spoke to me at exactly this moment. There is something rather awesome about a non-constricting silhouette, particularly for running and gamboling about. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a fitted waist and have no problem cinching myself in most of the time. But right now, perhaps I’m seeking flexibility and comfort and the courage to take a deep breath and simply run with it. (These boots were made for walking after all…)
I hope that, whatever you may be wrestling with, everyone can find exactly what their looking for right now – be it in the right decision, the right time to make a change, or even simply the right garment. Just remember to trust your instincts.
To help with the matchmaking where the right garment is concerned, Jillian has offered readers of The Dressed Aesthetic a coupon code for Vintage World Rocks! Use code: KARA for 25% off anything in her lovely shop purchased between 15-22 June. I’ve spied a few lovelies that would feel right at home in my closet already here, here and here…
Anything you know in your gut you can’t live without? Enquiring, vintage-loving minds want to know!
Outfit Details:
Dress: c/o Vintage World Rocks (similar here & here)
Sunglasses: Beleza Vintage
Gloves: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
Headband: Gift (similar)
Handbag: Modcloth (similar here, here & here)
Boots: John Fluevog
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