Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic

Things don’t always work out according to our plans. And now in my 30-somethingth year, I’m learning to be okay with that (for a Type A person who likes control and order, this is a tough one for me). As you’ve guessed by now, I’m a bit of a planner. I love lists and spreadsheets and checking things off with gusto. Sometimes I write things down I’ve already done just so I can check them off. And of course, I always plan my outfits for my events (even moreso since I started the blog) down to the last rhinestone encrusted necklace. But occasionally things go awry….

Many moons ago, in a far away year called 2018, I happened upon this dress at Magic Summer Vintage – frothy and golden, she looked like she was bathed in candlelight. I loved the floral appliquĆ© (natch) and the gold lamĆ© bodice that made me feel like a Greek goddess heading into battle. And the only night suitable for a dress made out of liquid gold was surely New Years Eve.

If you just happened to glance at your calendar, you might notice I’m about 6 months too late. Well, best laid plans and all…

Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic

Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ɣ, Sunlight!
The most precious gold
to be found on Earth.
Roman Payne

Best Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic Best Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed AestheticBest Laid Plans - The Dressed Aesthetic

This past holiday season, Mr. Dressed and I ventured west and spent Christmas in sunny San Diego with family. Our plan was to head back to NC with time to ring in the New Year together – there are several bars and restaurants in town that have live music and good cocktails, for a celebratory but low key evening. Naturally, my outfit would be anything but low key.

No sooner did we get back home than the Mr. started to feel unwell. Really unwell. As he never ever gets sick, I knew it was a doozy. Ā One trip to Urgent Care later, and he was officially diagnosed with the flu. Miraculously I managed to avoid being smacked down with the same virus (Public Service Announcement: get the flu shot people!). After many days in bed and some serious meds, he finally recovered, but it was a rough time for him. Needless to say, I rang in the New Year in my pajamas with my good friend Tim Gunn, watching Project Runway reruns, while this iridescent party dress hung in my closet, to twirl another day.

Truthfully, as much as I would have loved for things to go according to plan, I think it’s important to always realize that life gets in the way.Ā Because plans are great. My life revolves around spreadsheets and lists and organization. But just as important is letting go. Riding with what life throws at you. Realizing that you can’t control everything, and it would be a crazy waste of energy to try. And I knew this beauty would get her day in the sun regardless.

Perhaps the moral of the story is you can have a fresh start and a New Year any time you choose. I choose today…



Outfit Details:
Dress: Magic Summer Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Bettina Darling (similar here)
Bracelet: Swarovski
Handbag: gift, Bluebird Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: gift, Betsey Johnson


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Any items in a post marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.