Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few weeks ago, while I was browsing one of my favorite blogs In A Nutshell, the fabulous Sara Lily unapologetically announced that her closet could be mistaken for a fruit salad. And I had to laugh out loud. One glance towards my own wardrobe, and I can safely say we’ve got an ambrosia situation threatening to jump out of the fruit bowl and onto my person. Well, if you can’t beat em…buy more fruit themed things!

Full Circle

Full Circle - The Dressed Aesthetic

Part of what makes vintage amazing is the hunt – wondering where the next gem will be hiding. It’s the thing that keeps us digging through racks of consignment stores, feverishly browsing our tried and true vintage shops, and “just having a quick look” as we pass through Small Town, Population 50, thinking this could be the place that holds the illusive Holy Grail. 

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think we’re all trying to get more versatility out of our wardrobe – to figure out new ways to mix and match what we have and make it look new again. This isn’t always the easiest task when you’re as into bright colors, bold prints, and novelty handbags as I am – it’s kind of obvious when you wear those things several times. But enter the latest range of handbags from Vendula London…

Sun More Time

Sun More Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, day we have all been dreading is nearly upon us: the End of Summer. I know for many of you you’re staring at your screen in disbelief. “Ummm, Kara? You know it’s only mid August, right? We’ve got weeks of summer left!” Sigh. If only. Tomorrow officially marks the first day of school. It’s back to writing lectures, proctoring exams, and seeing far less of my comfy bed than I’ve grown accustomed too these past few months…

{Review} Holy Pants! with Joanie Clothing

{Review} Holy Pants! with Joanie Clothing - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ladies and gentlemen, I am wearing pants. Now, before you start to think that the fabric of the universe has started to unravel, I must assure you that I am of sound mind and body and that, although this is an anomalous occurrence, it does in fact happen. Generally, it happens when I’m in the field chasing sharks, on a 36 hour flight, or, as in this case, when a pair of pants is just too cute to pass up….

Mad About You

Mad About You - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although I realize I am embarrassingly late to the party, I never managed to watch the Emmy winning show Mad Men when it was on (I know! don’t judge). While we lived in Australia, we were very much out of the loop with regards to when new shows were airing, because most things were many months behind, and got into a general habit of streaming old favorites and not really paying a lot of attention to shows that were au courant. 

{Review} Anything But Basic with Joanie Clothing

{Review} Anything But Basic with Joanie Clothing - The Dressed Aesthetic

To me, there are definitely some items in my closet I just couldn’t live without. Usually described as “basics,” these are the staples of your wardrobe. It should be the pieces you know you can reach for that go with just about everything. Now, in my world, this probably doesn’t mean what you think it means. I’m not talking about black pants and neutrals. I find the basic foundation of my wardrobe include full skirts, novelty prints, bright colors and that perfect go-with-everything striped tee…. 

Never Say Never

Never Say Never - The Dressed Aesthetic

These days I do the bulk of my shopping online. I think this is partly due to the natural progression of technology – there is a veritable ambrosia of options with the few clicks of a button. And when I lived in Australia, I struggled to find shops that had the kind of clothing I loved, so I would naturally venture cyber-ward more and more. After so many years of being used to online shopping, I developed a practiced eye for the way something might fit me – a model or blogger shot could usually reveal whether the cut would…

{Review} Introducing SAMDE La Jupe

{Review} Introducing SAMDE La Jupe - The Dressed Aesthetic

As is true for most of us, I’m always on the lookout for ways to spice up my wardrobe. Although I absolutely have my tried and true shops I frequent (both vintage and vintage inspired), discovering a new shop comes with it it’s own thrill. In particular, I love discovering new small businesses – shops that source local material and put time and care into the art they create. Enter SAMDE La Jupe.

Time at Sea

Vitamin Sea - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s impossible to be stressed when you’re staring out to sea. For some reason, it always gives me perspective, the feeling that I’m just a tiny boat on an enormous sea, bobbing in the waves. It reminds me to surrender to the forces that pull me forward, and let go of the things that are being pulled away. And when I’m a headless chicken and can’t find my way to the coastline, a 1950’s seaside print dress will do just fine…