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And To All A Good Night…

And to All a Good Night... - The Dressed Aesthetic

Happy Christmas Eve! Truthfully, there are so many things I love about Christmas. Getting to spend time with my loved ones. Having a well deserved break from the pressures of work. The unmistakable magic and sparkle in the air. But, it has to be said that one of my very favorite parts of Christmas is a never ending supply of reasons to dress up! And if I can find a way to be a veritable Christmas tree, well that makes my holiday season even merrier…

Black Friday Deals 2018

Black Friday Deals 2017 - The Dressed Aesthetic

Happy Day After Thanksgiving everyone! We’re having an absolutely fabulous time over here in the Dressed household. We have some family in town, and have absolutely stuffed ourselves silly of turkey and all the fixings and I don’t think you could convince me to move my tryptophan-laden self off of this sofa if you tried….

{Giveaway} Halloween with Malco Modes & BellaSous

{Giveaway} Halloween with Malco Modes & Bellasous - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are a few things that are vital to any vintage girl’s wardrobe. I think we might all argue over the finer details – whether the black eyeliner that gives you the perfect cat eye or those 1940’s inspired heels are more important. But there is one thing that we can all agree upon: no self-respecting vintage-loving gal can get very far without her arsenal of petticoats.

Spotlight On: Sweet Life Vintage

Spotlight On: Sweet Life Vintage - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of my all time favorite posts that I do on occasion here on the blog is where I turn the spotlight on one of my favorite vintage shops. I always think it’s important to support small businesses – and knowing what goes into sourcing vintage (from the endless searches and estate sales, to the cleaning and mending, to the photography and promotion), I appreciate these entrepreneurial rockstars all the more. They keep our vintage-loving closets stocked and happy and that is no small task…

Lust List #29

Lust List #29 - The Dressed Aesthetic

At last, at last the sunshine is here and I can start to imagine all of the glorious sundresses and summer sandals that might enter my closet! I don’t dress seasonally most of the time, but I admit I was holding off on some cute summer styles for fear of jinxing it and having winter cackle maniacally while gleefully hanging around for yet another few weeks longer.

{Favorites} Quarter Year Craziness

{Favorites} Quarter Year Craziness - The Dressed Aesthetic

Phew, what an amazing first quarter of the year this has been! I swear, I blinked the day after Christmas and suddenly found myself in April. Now, April is one of the best times of year in my world. Firstly, it’s when the weather here in NC stops being fickle and turns plain lovely. Secondly, it’s the final month of the semester – all of us Professors have a bit more bounce in our step, as the end of the madness is in sight!

{Giveaway} 3-Year Blog-a-versary!

{Giveaway} 3-Year Blog-a-versary - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well folks, it’s upon us once again. I can hardly believe how old my baby is getting, but The Dressed Aesthetic has officially turned 3! It’s crazy to think I’ve been clamoring away on these keys for three whole years, but every time I get to yet another milestone, I’m overwhelmed by gratitude for all of you who make my little corner of the internet possible.

{Favorites} A Year in the Life 2017

{Favorites} A Year in the Life 2017

Happy New Year friends! As another year passes, it’s only natural to look back on the year before at everything that’s come to pass – the good, the bad, the crazy. And I am forever grateful each year for my personal slice of web space, which allows me to return to a time in my life instantly. Where I just have to look at a certain dress and be transported back to exactly how I felt at that moment in time.