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Black Friday Deals 2017

Black Friday Deals 2017 - The Dressed Aesthetic

Happy Day After Thanksgiving everyone! My Dressed and I made a pact – despite how crazy busy we both are, we vowed to put our gadgetry and work away and truly take Thanksgiving off. We made roasted mini-turkey (aka chicken) and all the fixin’s, watched bad tv, and didn’t leave the comfort of our pajamas. It was pretty fabulous and oh so needed.

Lust List #27: Christmas Wish List

Lust List #27: Christmas Wish List - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ohhh I just love this time of year! The weather is crisp, the egg nog starts flowing, and all of my favorite shops start to glitter with items to add to my wishlist. Despite the fact that life has been insanely busy lately, I cannot deny that I’ve made some time to write to Santa and let him know there are more than a few things I’m hoping will turn up under my tree this year… 

Lust List #26

Lust List #26 - The Dressed Aesthetic

What a crazy few months this has been! We started off the new semester (with a new course to prep and new students to corral) and I was immediately whipped into a frenzy of classes and research and trying to continue to set up the lab. And now that October is nearly upon us, my mind starts to instantly travel to styling spooky looks for Halloween. Hey, what’s the point of having a lab full of brains if you can’t get in a zombie mood now and then?

Lust List #25

Lust List #25 - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few weeks back I had my annual closet clearout. It’s always such a good feeling to pass on things you no longer wear to fellow vintage-lovers who can be another chapter in their story. But, as my husband always says, it’s not really a closet clearout. It’s really a “Make Room for New Dresses.” He clearly doesn’t know me at all…

Mom & Me

Mom & Me - The Dressed Aesthetic

My family has been a huge fan of the blog ever since its inception. In addition to generally being supportive of my latest endeavor (I swear I could say I wanted to start collecting lampshades and they would cheer and start sending me cool lampshades). But, I think it was also important because they got to see a glimpse into my daily life. Particularly when I was living abroad, we would keep up with the Big Stuff: promotions, milestones, heartbreak. But, it’s the little minutiae of our days that would get lost in the miles. The blog let them see my…