Well, it’s officially September. And even though we are still experiencing pretty sweltering temps some days here in NC, I’m already dreaming of layers and hot chocolate and leaves crunching underfoot. What can I say? I’m almost always in an autumn frame of mind.
Like most of us over these last few years, I think we’ve all seen some of our habits shift. For me, one is definitely a “think before you buy” kind of mentality. I can see my Visa card giving me side eye, but I feel a bit more intentional about what I purchase these days, rather than just pouncing on impulse because that dopamine burst in times of stress feels so darned good.
However….one thing I simply could not resist is his most amazing blouse handmade for me from true vintage fabric by Monica J Veronica designs. I slept on it. I asked myself if it was love or lust. And eventually I came to the conclusion that it had to be mine. It has everything I want in a blouse: crisp, sassy collar, fully sleeves, and an eye catching print. Chilly weather meets intentional shopping? Bring it on…

With the weather threatening to turn chilly (I am so here for it), I’ve been imagining some ways to stretch the wardrobe and get a bit more creative with autumn layers. Perhaps a bit unconventional, but if you’re looking to shake things up this impending autumn, I’ve been pairing some of my blouses with strapless dresses. I have to say, I never thought it would work…but I think I’m hooked.
I’ve had this strapless party dress in my closet for easily more than 15 years. It might have been one of my first-ever vintage acquisitions, unearthed from the rubble of a thrift store (back when thrift stores had vintage 1950’s dresses in the $10 bin. Remember those glory days??). It has survived many a closet purge and move around the world as much for her memories as her sassy polka dots. And she was just waiting to meet a blouse with the same cheek and color story.
It’s been a bit of a new feeling this September for me, as I didn’t join the throng of undergrads in the classroom. Every University has a different name for it, but I was awarded what is essentially the equivalent to a sabbatical, which means I have no assigned teaching or service (service is code for: Committees on top of Committees on top of still more Committees!).
Other than my extended dinner date with The Rona, I’ve found myself able to recall the feeling of freedom. Of not scurrying too and fro. Of very few emails in my inbox from undergrads and not staying up all hours scrambling to finish a lecture. Instead, I’ve been able to spend time in the lab. I have had hours linked together to read papers or analyze data or (so help us) stare into space and just think on a research question. I realize that many of you reading this will have a big old question mark over your heads as to why I consider this luxurious, but trust me, just add a cocktail in my hand and I am on Science Vacation.
Cheers to enjoying every minute of it.
Outfit Details:
Blouse: Custom made by Monica J Veronica Designs
Dress: Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Brooch: Ever Faith
Handbag: Anthropologie (similar)
Shoes: Modcloth (similar here & here)
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.