Well, I can hardly believe it, but I survived my first semester as a fully fledged professor! I gave my last lecture on Wednesday, and feel as though I’m completely justified in racing around bellowing, “Free at last! Free at Last!” There are no words to describe the madness of moving across the world, learning a completely new city, starting a completely new job, and being thrust into two completely new courses. Let’s just say the word “new” is going to be a bit taboo around here for awhile (unless, of course, the word “new” is followed by “dress”, “shoes”, or “sparkly diamonds.”
Speaking of new, this beauty of a skirt is a new acquisition from Nicole Elaine Vintage. Truthfully, I’ve had it for months, but as time has spun by with enough speed to give me whiplash, it’s only now making its debut. There is nothing quite like a vintage novelty print, especially one that mixes graphic with florals and just a hint of baroque…

As you read this, we are flinging suitcases into the trunk and heading off to NYC to watch one of my closest friends from middle school get married. This trip completely snuck up on me with everything else that’s going on, but I can’t wait to take to the skies. It’ll be a weekend of old friends and champagne and the rushing pulse of the city.
It is unfortunately the fastest trip in history, as I have to be back in time to give a final exam at the ungodly hour of 8:00am on Monday morning. Although I wish I could take in a show and soak up a bit more NYC atmosphere (and if we’re being honest, soak up more than a bit of NYC shopping), that will have to be saved for another day.
So, here’s to celebrating milestones and love and newness. I heard my first whisper of summer this morning. And I am answering the call…
Outfit Details:
Top: gift, White House Black Market
Skirt: Nicole Elaine Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Belt: PUG
Handbag: Review (similar)
Shoes: Melissas (similar here & here)
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