Have you ever noticed that a certain degree of frenzied madness is almost always followed by what I will affectionately call The Blob Phase. I’m sure you know what I mean… Where you push yourself to the limit, shocked at what you are able to accomplish, only to subsequently devolve into a pile of goo. On such occasions, I find myself with my head in the clouds more often than not, where even the thought of writing an email feels like too much.
Another thing I tend to do after coming down from the madness and breathing in my first calm breath in months, is to indulge myself in some window shopping. Given we’re still in a time of COVID, most of the window shopping I do these days is cyber-based. But, thanks to one of my favorite couturiers Maison Murasaki, I happened upon a shoe brand I had never heard of before: Jessica Butrich.
Based in Peru, these handmade shoes immediately captivated me with their whimsical designs (I mean, appliqué shoes?? It’s like they were speaking to my SOUL). Made of a supple leather and insanely comfortable, I was instantly smitten with the Sweet Sunshine pumps and knew I had to take to the skies with my styling…

Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds
As you can probably guess from today’s outfit, I’m in a bit of a dreamy place. While I still have plenty of work to keep me busy, that feeling of being ever-clenched has passed. We’ve been slowly indulging in Friday (outdoor) happy hours with colleagues, catching up with friends without feeling as if I have to politely excuse myself to head back to work, and getting to chat about research in a way that gets me excited about science again.
Perhaps this is always the way of summer. Getting to slow down, take a breath. Stretching up towards the sunshine so that we can be ready when once again winter finds her way back to us.
I for one plan to make summer last as long as humanly possible…
Outfit Details:
Top: Joanie Clothing
Skirt: Anthropologie (similar here)
Headband: gift (similar)
Belt: Altar’d State
Handbag: c/o Mary Frances Accessories
Shoes: Butrich
Lip Color: Dior Rouge 634
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