Posts Tagged“embroidery”

Just Dropping By…

Although I’m still relatively new to this whole blogging malarky, one of my favorite things about starting and maintaining a vintage style blog thus far has been the incredible community of people I’ve tapped into and the ability to connect with like-minded people all around the world. When you think about it, it’s kind of remarkable how far technology has taken us and how quickly you can feel close to people you’ve never actually met. If you told me 20 years ago all of this was possible, I’m not sure I would have believed you. here really is comfort in this idea of…

Garden of Hearts

More and more, I find myself reaching for cardigans and boleros, sweaters and swing coats, as autumn starts to slowly give up her fight. I can’t deny it any longer: Winter has arrived in Australia. Now, to be fair, winter in Perth is not like winter in Boston (where I grew up) – no snow to contend with or icy wings whipping across the streets. Mostly there is rain. And gloom. So, I really can’t be blamed for wanting to inject a bit of color into the grey streets…

Living Doll

A few weeks back, I clicked my Dorothy heels twice and hit the town for a Girl’s Night at Soda Sun Lounge. One of our friends is moving to the East Coast and it would potentially be the last time we could all get together before the move. Let me tell you, my friends are Very. Busy. Women. It took us three months to find a night when we were all in the country or not otherwise engaged. Luckily, my friends are also very organized and the night was locked into the diary back in April. We are nothing if not…

Changed For Good

If you know me, you know one of my very favorite things in the world is live theatre. I have a particularly soft spot for musicals – I actually performed in musicals all throughout high school and college, and found an incredible community theatre during my PhD (that I sorely miss). So, although I haven’t been onstage in quite awhile, I whet my appetite when particularly spectacular shows make their way over to Perth.

The Long & Short of It

I know, I know – this is not a dress! What’s going on? Who am I and what have I done with myself? Dear readers, very occasionally, the unthinkable happens and something other than a vintage dress jumps upon my person. Fear not, for my love for dresses hasn’t waned in the slightest, but a few years back I saw this adorable butterfly print romper and I made an exception to the magnetic pull on my heart that whispers, “Dress! Dress! Dress!”

Violets are Blue

One thing I love about collecting vintage is that I feel as though I’m collecting stories. More often than not, we don’t get to know the previous owner of these amazing garments and often are left to speculate about who loved her and what dancefloors she was twirled around on. When is comes to this beautiful dress, I have the pleasure of knowing her previous owner. I am an avid follower of the lovely Jessica of Pinup Persuasion and when this stunning dress, with swirls of violet and teal flowers, came straight out of her closet and onto my radar, I…

The Ties That Bind

So, my mom has become quite the vintage huntress of late. She’s one of my biggest blogging cheerleaders and has been out and about, finding treasures that I might like to include in posts (I do nothing to dissuade her, as you’ve probably guessed). So, you can imagine my excitement when an Easter parcel appeared on our doorstep a few weeks back and it was packed full of vintage goodies! Some she had found in her travels, some were her own that I remember admiring as a child, and some stunning pieces belonged to my beloved grandmother, who we lost early…

Favorites: April Appreciation

A week of leisure means I have a chance to catch up on a lot of things that get pushed to the bottom of the pile when life gets crazy. This week I’ve been catching up on blogging, on some sewing projects for myself and for my niece (who generally always gets a mini-version of anything I make for myself. Yeah, I’ll pay for that one when she’s 16…), and enjoying a lot of great (bad) tv.

Darling Buds of May…or April

Over the last week here in Australia, I can feel the first chill start to set into the air in the evenings. The Bostonian in me instinctually feels like I should be out shopping for school supplies when I start to feel the crisp fingers of autumn start to unfurl. And yet, being that’s it’s April, my northern hemisphere brain still can’t resist pastel colors and floaty chiffon dresses. They’re like a magnet tugging on my vintage-loving heart. And therein lies the dichotomy…

From Paris, With Love

No, I’m not actually writing from Paris, sadly. But, this dress exudes Parisian chic so well, from its Pater Pan collar and jaunty bow, to the rows of amazing covered buttons that go down the back. Although I always say that I tend to veer towards color, particularly during the warm summer months we’re having in Australia, I’m finding more and more neutrals making their way into my closet. I’ve realized that a beautiful neutral is the perfect backdrop for pop color accessories, of which my wardrobe has aplenty (shocker, I know).