Posts Tagged“gingham”

{Sewing} The Long and Short of It

{Sewing} The Long and Short of It - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think, no matter how daring you are, you can always get stuck in a bit of a rut. While I have a reputation for being somewhat fashionably “You Do You“, I’ll be the first to admit that I have my comfort zone. Without fail, day or night, you can be sure you’ll see me in a full skirt cinched within an inch of its life and as many crinolines as I can conceivably stack beneath some manner of glitter.

Power Suit

Power Suit - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have always ascribed to the belief that getting dressed every morning is a bit of a joyous occasion. I stand before my closet, coffee in hand, and wonder who’s story I get to be a part of today. Will I opt for short and flippy, floral and feminine, or dark and mysterious? Will I reach for an uber modern shoe or a 40’s inspired Mary Jane? Simple or statement? One crinoline or two? And then the most important question: do I feel powerful? If the answer is yes, then I go forth and conquer the day.

No Apologies Necessary

No Apologies Necessary - The Dressed Aesthetic

Lately I’ve noticed I start every email with some variant of, “Apologies for my delayed reply…” or “I’m so sorry I haven’t written in awhile!” Every phone call, every coffee date, even text messages these days have a standard-letter intro in the form of an apology. I noticed it runs rampant across my fellow bloggers as well – and endless string of apologies as to why we haven’t been able to post regularly, respond to comments fast enough. I’d personally like to start a movement where all of these apologies STOP.

Candy Floss

Candy Floss - The Dressed Aesthetic

You know how some clothing items are simply practical? You buy them for specific purposes – like gardening clothes or what you wear to the gym. Trainers for running or a business suit for work. Utilitarian and an important part of any wardrobe. And then there are other kinds of clothes. The ones of whimsy and sass. Of color and exuberance. And those dresses are pure fairy tale…

Apple Pie

Apple Pie - The Dressed Aesthetic

Have you ever noticed how particularĀ clothing items can evoke certain kinds of food? Like a cocktail dress and a perfect martini (that one’s a given). Or an ocean print dress andĀ a clambake. And if this beautiful 1950’s dress from a newly discovered shop Sweet Life Vintage were a culinary delight, she would almost certainly be apple pie.Ā Warm and sweet withĀ just a little bit of tarty sass.


Monochromeā€¦almost - The Dressed Aesthetic

I make no secret of the fact that I love color. The bright and vibrant. The muted and soft. I love color in prints and solids and stacked on top of each other like a fashionable rainbow. I’m the gal wearing bright yellow on the greyest of days. As such, it’s really difficult sometimes for me to work in monochrome. I started this look with a mission to stick to black and white. Feeling a lot like Dorothy before she opens the door to technicolor, my hands itched towards adding a red cardigan or a pop color shoe.Ā Hi my name…

Times They Are a Changin’…

Times They Are a Changin' - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are certain times in our lives where we have to roll with the punches. Where small, unexpected changes hit and we have to zig or zag and figure out how to regain our balance. And there are others that are pretty major. Where no amount of zigging or zagging will prepare you for the tidal wave of crazy about to hit. Without getting too dramatic about it,Ā there are some pretty big changes coming up in The Dressed Aesthetic household.