Posts Tagged“katy perry”

Power Suit

Power Suit - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have always ascribed to the belief that getting dressed every morning is a bit of a joyous occasion. I stand before my closet, coffee in hand, and wonder who’s story I get to be a part of today. Will I opt for short and flippy, floral and feminine, or dark and mysterious? Will I reach for an uber modern shoe or a 40’s inspired Mary Jane? Simple or statement? One crinoline or two? And then the most important question: do I feel powerful? If the answer is yes, then I go forth and conquer the day.

Lemon Lime

Lemon Lime - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, it’s officially sundress and cocktails weather! I don’t know about you, but this felt like the longest and most stubborn winter (I lost count of the number of times winter came running back into the room to yell, “And another thing!” this season). So, I was distrustful when the warm weather started to creep in, sure that she had no staying power. But sure enough, she’s here for good! And you know what that means? Sundresses! Strappy Sandals! Sunset strolls and cocktails on the porch! 

Heard it Through the Grapevine

Heard it Through the Grapevine - The Dressed Aesthetic

Word on the street is that the phrase “matchy-matchy” has gotten a lot of negative press – it’s apparently the thing you want to avoid. A fashion faux pas if you will. However, there are certain times and certain outfits that just inspire me to match all the things. And this is generally the case when those things involve clothing masquerading as fruit (eh hem). Because if you are a gal who is very into her vintage and have acquired a fair few pieces of comestable-adorned clothing, every so often the perfect grape-appliqued beauty will come along and you’re brain…

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are certain types of clothing I just can’t resist. By now, you’ve realized that includes border prints. Full skirts. 1950’s deadstock. Like Pavlov’s dog, I hear the bell of vintage ring and I’m ready to answer (and drool appropriately). But, my other weakness (for some odd reason) is fruit-adorned anything. Give me a peach tree bag. Blueberry embroidery. Ice cream heels. Put fruit on it or make it resemble something consumable and the world goes fuzzy around the edges as I dreamily reach for my Visa card….