Posts Tagged“pickled vintage”

The Princess AND the Scientist

The Princess AND the Scientist - The Dressed Aesthetic

A colleague and friend shared a meme the other day that popped up in my social media feed. It was an adorable little girl, hair scraped back into a ponytail, flexing her yet-to-be-developed muscles and wearing a t-shirt that said, “I’m not a Princess, I’m a Scientist!” At first glance, I loved the message. We teach little girls that their only job is to be sweet and cute. With the push towards encouraging more young girls in STEM, this this seemed like a small step that might get us there. But the more I chewed it over, it started to…

Into My Web

Into My Web - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have a dark secret to share with you, which is likely to be a very unpopular opinion, particularly in the vintage community. Trust me when I say this confession has raised many an eyebrow and the gasp is often heard around the world. There are memes about my truth. It’s resulted in a bar brawl here and there and I’ve lost friends over it. You may decide to stop reading my blog altogether once you hear my terrible secret. Brace yourself people….

Bicycle For Two

Bicycle For Two - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s very, very rare that I style something the way the store presents it. I always like to put my own spin on it – be it with uber modern shoes, or a pop color that no one else would think of. To me, the epitome of personal style is the way that we can make a look our own. However, every now and then, I see an outfit being advertised and I simply must own the entire thing. This happened the minute I saw this vintage top and 1950’s novelty skirt shown at Pickled Vintage – I couldn’t imagine…