The past week has me thinking a lot about unity and divisiveness. After my last post, I found it very interesting that I lost a fair few subscribers. Nothing crazy, but a noticeable number. And I’m really okay with that. As I’ve said before, I personally believe discussion incites progress. Difference of opinion is healthy and should be championed, but hate should not. I didn’t feel that there was anything inflammatory in my post – rather, I wanted to share a message of unity. Of coming together. Of finding a way through. But, if any of my followers much preferred me to be the girl who simply wears the pretty dresses and keeps quiet – ohhhhh you have come to the wrong blog.
A lot of creatures in the animal kingdom move in groups. It serves for protection from predators, as they are more difficult to attack as a unit. And I’ve recently discovered that every group has its own unique name, a brand for which they are known. There are the ones we all know (but never really think about): A pride of lions. A pack of wolves. A flock of birds. But there are the unsung packs out there: A murder of crows. A flutter of butterflies, pedaling their wings across this dress. A blessing of unicorns. And a grouping of humans is called a tribe. A collective of people who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea.
Now more than ever, finding our tribe is paramount. Finding solace, protection from harm, people who will challenge you and make you better. I have seen two major things happen this week – a tribe that feels empowered to attack and hate. Spread divisiveness and prey on whom they perceive to be weak. And I have seen the other tribe – the one who has come forward with an outpouring of love and support. This has come in from other countries and people from every race and denomination. People who similarly feel empowered by their anger to step up and step in. People who are literally beaten down and manage to stand again.
Time to pick your tribe.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter
Martin Luther King
I wear a lot of hats here on The Dressed Aesthetic (purely metaphorical, as I look ridiculous in actual hats). First and foremost, I get to be The Boss (the beauty of a blog. I’m totally in charge), plus webmaster, graphics editor, and creative director. Sometimes I’m the “Shark Girl”. I’m also “That Girl With All of the Dresses” in some circles or “You know – the one who wears the heels in the lab” in others. But I’ve never been the silent girl. I’ve never been the girl who blends in. And I’ve never been the girl who is okay with the status quo, should the status quo suck. And if you are similarly inclined, something tells me we belong on the same tribe.
My tribe, my flock, my flutter, is full of people who are the first to hand you a cocktail and tell you to pull up a chair. We’ll stand up for you. We’ll stand beside you. We’ll listen to what you want to be when you grow up and tell you to go for it. We’ll take you shopping and help you find a look that makes you feel fab. We’ll hold your hand when you need it. We’ll give you a push when you need it more. We all march to our own drum, and love each other for the crazy cacophony. We sew, we bake, we create; we get dirty and incite discovery; we make a gleeful, glittery mess and refuse to apologize for it. We do not back up and we do not back down. We think you belong. Exactly as you are.
As it happens, we currently have openings – care to join?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Jumblelaya Vintage (same dress here, or similar modern & vintage)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Gloves: Modcloth (similar)
Vintage bag: SassyPantsGrrl via OLL (similar here & here)
Shoes: Betsey Johnson
Lip Color: Lime Crime
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