I’m not sure about you guys, but I’ve never been much of a hat person. And yet, I find myself wearing a lot of different hats lately. And not just the hats on this most amazing vintage dress from Trunk of Dresses. I have my Exhausted Professor hat. My Disillusioned with the World hat. And I’m sad to say, my Eternal Optimist hat has been languishing on a shelf, not worn for months.
This has been a really difficult time for a lot of us. I know personally, the hits of the pandemic and social distancing, the uncertainty with the upcoming election and the divisiveness in our country, and the loss of RBG (which hit me harder than I ever thought possible) are all taking their toll. And while I have been managing to find silver linings and bursts of joy here and there, it is becoming abundantly, terrifying clear that if something doesn’t change and soon, we may be permanently accessorizing with the Bitter and Cynical hat that has been eyeing me for the last week.
I want to be really honest with you, lovely readers. I have barely left my home since March. I don’t mean this in an exaggerated way – we are taking social distancing very seriously. Save for a few important, short trips I can literally count on one hand (2 of which were to just check on my lab and make sure the fancy expensive fridge was doing its thang to keep the brains safe), I’ve been inside. I haven’t gone to the grocery store. Or the post office. No haircuts or socially distanced picnics. I don’t have a “covid bubble” of friends I allow myself to socialize with. That’s six honest, true months of isolation. Hence why you’ve seen the crazy frenzy of sewing projects – what else is a gal to do?

What makes me unspeakably sadĀ (and there is some stiff competition with the horrors in the world lately) – I still hear people calling COVID a hoax or an over-exaggeration (including the supposed “leaders” of this country). Refusing to wear masks. Loudly shouting that “this is not a big deal” and “people need to go out.” That the elderly and those with higher health risks shouldĀ just stay home, ultimately deeming us expendable. And so they go out. Take unnecessary risks. Go to parties.Ā Take vacations. Make choices for the good of their moment, rather than the good of many.
And so, I do stay home. I stay in my own, safe bubble and watch 2020 slowly disappear in a cloud of anger and confusion and sadness. I see a world where I haven’t been able to train my graduate students, teach my classes in person, or even leave my house since March. I see stiff fingers that resemble pincushions because all I can seem to do is create. Order more fabric, repeat. Do my best to put something beautiful into a world that feels anything but.
And if I keep my hands busy, I can ignore the simple, unalienable truth: if we could have all just agreed to work towards the greater good and collectively stay home for one month, we very likely could have eradicated this. With proper leadership and a community of people who rallied and saw fit to protect one another, there could have been so much less impact. Far fewer needless deaths. Far less out of work. Far less fear.
And so, instead, we sit in wait. In a period of isolation that is seemingly endless. In a world on fire. And simultaneously underwater. In a world of anger and divisiveness and senseless crimes against people because of the color of their skin. Or who they identify as. We did not end up here by accident. This isn’t simply the curse of 2020 – this is where we are because of choices we have collectively made. The choice to ignore climate science, to silence the voices who have been trying to tell us about systemic racism for years, to elect someone into office who has no plan and certainly no ideals.Ā
So, you better believe I have already cast my ballot, dropped at our local Board of Elections so that no efforts to slow the mail will effect our vote. My ovals were marked long ago in blue with certainty. And if you, like me, never had Biden as your top choice. Or your 5th. Know that it is the only vote right now. Because we will not survive another 4 years of an administration that does not value diversity. Or science. Or truth.
If you are looking towards the election, and want to vote 3rd party, or are considering avoiding the polls altogether because your candidate isn’t on the ballot, I hope you reconsider this stance. Please. Think of the people who cannot survive if this continues. Think of the women in your life, the LGBTQIA+, the BIPOC, the silenced, the marginalized.
I read somewhere that we need to stop thinking about the upcoming election like dating. Instead, it’s like taking the bus. You’re not waiting for “the one”. You just need to get on the bus that will take you as close to your chosen destination as possible.
Honestly, when I started this post, lighthearted and fun, I didn’t intend it to end here. I guess life is like that – often taking you where you never expected to be. I feel we are all so at the edge of crisis, that almost every conversation I have these days ends here. Hopelessly, franticallyĀ trying to cling to any shred of hope, but with the eternal optimism washed away in the summer’s last breeze.
Hold onto your hat, people. Now is the time to step up. Let’s get on the bus and get this done.
Outfit Details:
Hat: Unique Vintage
Dress: Trunk of Dresses (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Swarovski (same one here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: gift, Review Australia (similar here & here)
Shoes: ASOS (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Nars Niagara
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.Ā