Posts Tagged“dresses”

Shark Week

Shark Week - The Dressed Aesthetic

I know what you’re thinking. “But Kara! Shark Week was MONTHS ago.” Well, dear readers, it’s time I come clean: In my world of marine biology and shark neuroscience, every week is shark week. And in true shark week fashion, I could think of no better option than to finally burst forth in a vintage novelty print I have hunted for years, but only just managed to recently acquire…

Power Suit

Power Suit - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have always ascribed to the belief that getting dressed every morning is a bit of a joyous occasion. I stand before my closet, coffee in hand, and wonder who’s story I get to be a part of today. Will I opt for short and flippy, floral and feminine, or dark and mysterious? Will I reach for an uber modern shoe or a 40’s inspired Mary Jane? Simple or statement? One crinoline or two? And then the most important question: do I feel powerful? If the answer is yes, then I go forth and conquer the day.

Gowns by Roberta

Gowns by Roberta - The Dressed Aesthetic

Something I have always been very passionate about is shopping small. Supporting small business owners and helping to build up a community of eclectic places to source gifts, clothing, and homewares makes me feel as though I’m doing my part, however small, to support the actual people behind those shops. Unlike a big box retailer, I like knowing there’s a face behind my purchase, doing a little happy dance when my order comes through. 

Huntress in Training

Huntress in Training - The Dressed Aesthetic

One thing I will say for my family is that they always manage to get behind my passions. From announcing my profession at 5-years old, to my decision to move halfway around the world, to this crazy love for hunting down embellished vintage amazingness. Even if they secretly thought I was crazy, they never let on. Instead, they would grab the pom poms and throw themselves into cheerleading me with the same fervor that I was chasing down my dreams with.

She’s My Cherry Pie

She's My Cherry Pie - The Dressed Aesthetic

If my heart belongs to vintage, my soul definitely belongs to shoes. As you’ve no doubt noticed over the years, I have a love for novelty shoes and accessories. And if those items happen to be shoes and accessories masquerading as food of some sort, I simply can’t resist. You may have noticed one brand in particular, Shoe Bakery, tends to grace the area south of my ankles more often than any other. So, I thought it was high time to give you a bit of insight into all of their amazingness.

Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers - The Dressed Aesthetic

As a scientist, I’m lucky enough to get to travel a lot for work – tissue collection, conferences, invited talks – they take me far and wide, often to places I may not have gone otherwise. And although these trips are often chock full of meetings and scientific shenanigans, a perk of the job is squaring away a bit of free time to explore my surroundings and get to know a new city. Yeah, you can read that as: Kara Hunts For Vintage.

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few weeks ago, while I was browsing one of my favorite blogs In A Nutshell, the fabulous Sara Lily unapologetically announced that her closet could be mistaken for a fruit salad. And I had to laugh out loud. One glance towards my own wardrobe, and I can safely say we’ve got an ambrosia situation threatening to jump out of the fruit bowl and onto my person. Well, if you can’t beat em…buy more fruit themed things!

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London

{Review} Charm School with Vendula London - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think we’re all trying to get more versatility out of our wardrobe – to figure out new ways to mix and match what we have and make it look new again. This isn’t always the easiest task when you’re as into bright colors, bold prints, and novelty handbags as I am – it’s kind of obvious when you wear those things several times. But enter the latest range of handbags from Vendula London…

Sun More Time

Sun More Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, day we have all been dreading is nearly upon us: the End of Summer. I know for many of you you’re staring at your screen in disbelief. “Ummm, Kara? You know it’s only mid August, right? We’ve got weeks of summer left!” Sigh. If only. Tomorrow officially marks the first day of school. It’s back to writing lectures, proctoring exams, and seeing far less of my comfy bed than I’ve grown accustomed too these past few months…