Posts Tagged“handbags”

Dopamine Dressing

Dopamine Dressing - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m teaching neurobiology this semester and we started to dip our toes into the wonderful world of neurotransmitters last week: those magic little chemicals in our brain that allow for our neurons to transfer information to one another. One such neurotransmitter is dopamine – it’s historically known as the “pleasure neurotransmitter.” When we experience something unexpectedly awesome, our brains get a burst of this feel good substance.  

Just Swimmingly

Just Swimmingly - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is always a certain time of year that feels a bit like the eye of the storm. While summers are supposed to be relaxing, mine was chock full of book chapters and editing and teaching a summer class that nearly did my head in (but I can’t even ask you to feel sorry for me…it was all totally self-inflicted). Grades for the summer class were submitted last week and our fall semester doesn’t start until next week. So, for today at least, there is an eerie, blissful calm on the surface of the water…

The General Store

The General Store - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was young, Sunday was Candy Day. We weren’t allowed to eat candy any other day of the week, so this day was held with a special reverence. On Candy Day, my sister and I would be given 50 cents a piece and were allowed to traipse two blocks to a local general store. Even though the selection never changed, we spent ages poring over the choices every time. Candy, gum, chocolate – before you officially made your selection, there was always this unbridled anticipation in knowing you could have anything in the aisle.

Moth to a Flame

Moth to a Flame - The Dressed Aesthetic

Have you ever noticed that it’s human nature to be drawn to things that are bad for you? Be it an ex-boyfriend, a bad habit, a vow after a particularly raucous night to “never drink again,” only to find yourself woohooing on the dance floor a week later. Despite seeing many who have flown to their fiery doom before her, the moth simply can’t ignore the allure of that bright, magical flame beckoning her to a promise of intrigue and light (and occasional debauchery).

Rejoining the World

Rejoining the World - The Dressed Aesthetic

We are creatures of habit. I am definitely one who likes to have a rhythm and a routine, with a clear order to the way my world is structured. And even if the order is less than ideal (aka, months and months of isolation due to a pandemic), I will always find away to work within a certain set of parameters. But, I admit I’m less adept at the shift change…

The Princess AND the Scientist

The Princess AND the Scientist - The Dressed Aesthetic

A colleague and friend shared a meme the other day that popped up in my social media feed. It was an adorable little girl, hair scraped back into a ponytail, flexing her yet-to-be-developed muscles and wearing a t-shirt that said, “I’m not a Princess, I’m a Scientist!” At first glance, I loved the message. We teach little girls that their only job is to be sweet and cute. With the push towards encouraging more young girls in STEM, this this seemed like a small step that might get us there. But the more I chewed it over, it started to…


In this day and age, I think it’s pretty important to make the most out of our wardrobes. If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s how quickly our “normal” can switch on a dime…and how much less I truly need. Over the last year, I’ve been making a concerted effort to resist the temptation to acquire. Of course, buying vintage doesn’t come with quite the same footprint as buying new, but I still have noticed a small voice that got a lot louder this year telling me to slow down and appreciate the things that I have.


Muses - The Dressed Aesthetic

We all pull inspiration from a variety of sources and for a variety of reasons – either an outfit that you spied while walking down the street who’s vibe you want to emulate, to a perfect pristine flower bursting from the rosebush, to someone’s approach towards life – we all have our muses. The things you can point to that inspired a new part of yourself to come into being.

All A Flutter…

All a Flutter... - The Dressed Aesthetic

Every year, I put together a holiday wishlist to help my family navigate the treacherous waters that is Christmas shopping. I like to put a range of items on there, based on things that have caught my eye over the last few weeks. Inevitably, there is an item or two that I try to sprinkle a little extra fairy dust upon, perhaps to telepathically communicate just how enamored I am with it. Enter this most perfect blouse designed by Alex Vinash.

Urban Jungle

Urban Jungle - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is no time that you miss the city quite like during a global pandemic. It started small: a twinge, a mild craving for the bright lights. It grew to invading my thoughts, with taxi cabs and bustling streets dancing before my eyes. And, much like when you tell yourself not to think of pink elephants, suddenly Pepto-Bismol tinted pachyderms are the only things stampeding through your brain: I need me some bright lights, big city!